front window seal

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front window seal

Post by albert »

hy,,all, i have change the front seal on my 412 and the seal 241-845-121,DLX,, fit no.1 on my 412 excepted i have need to cut appx3'' and reweld,, plus we need to remoove the extra stell spacer for the 412 glass frame,, i d,t know if it is différent wend it is made with the RPDM,,rubber or natural rubber,, my seal was from wolfsburg and it was made original rubber,,i know we can find on the web. many différent productor for that ,, from 35.$ to 65.$,, my seal cost me ,,trsp,taxes,,etc,,,85.$( oh,,,DLX, is with molding groove,) albert
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Re: front window seal

Post by wildthings »

Albert, Thanks for reporting on this. I had wondered if it would work or not, now we know.
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Re: front window seal

Post by raygreenwood »

Yes, thats just the front bus seal. There are a few of us here who have used it IIRC. Its a a little thicker and sits a bit more proud of the body when viewed from the side. It also can have a little bit of a problem making the sharper corners of the 411/412 glass as compared to the bus....but it holds the glass and seals up nicely.
However I can tell you that the same gasket will not work for the quarter windows of either the wagon or the 2 dr saloon (I don't know about teh quarter windows on the 4 door....but i doubt it). The corner radius's are just too sharp. You will need to grind a little in the glass groove and where it seats against the body to keep it from getting a buckle in it. Ray
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Re: front window seal

Post by albert »

the most big problem is for to put in the crazy chrome molding,, very hard to push in her groove,,the type 2 seal is appx. 2''1/2 more long,, and i have remoove the 4 allum,spacer on the 412 window frame,,, on the type 2 the groove for the body is appx. 1/8 lardge,, and on the original seal we have 1/4'' groove ,,for the body,, and vw put a kind of spacer,,for that,, and the most big problem too is to push the glass and the seal on the botthom frame,, wend the dash is in place,, we d,t have the space for to work,, but with couple trick the thing is possible,,i have test 3 métod for that,,and my best is wend we use 2 rope,, one small rope for to moove the inner lips,, and one big rope like 1/4'' diam. over the small rope,, only for to open the botthom groove ( wend the seal is new the groove is close) and wend we push the glass and seal in her place on the botthom,, the groove is open and that geeve a chance,, wend we see if all the seal is ok,,we remoove the big rope for to push the glass and seal in the maximum,place , and afther we work with the small rope for to do the rest,,
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Re: front window seal

Post by albert »

i test 2-3 métod for to insert the chrome molding in her groove,, my first métod for that was to put the seal on the glass and afther put all the kit on the car like we doo with the oder glass ,, but that d,t work,,, first the seal is loose on the glass and we d,t can keep the seal in place,, plus the corner in the molding d,t can stay in her groove ,,, my secon tech. was to put the seal on the car without the glass , ajust the seal for to make a nice and good corner,,( the extra lenth is not cut for now ) and push the molding in her groove ,,this tech. work no.1,,, that geeve a nice look,,and leak free on the corner,,and afther i test the tech with the seal on the glass with no molding and do the instation of the glass on the car ,,that work good,, nice corner ,,, but impossible to insert the molding in her groove if we d,t have the spécial tool for that,, we bent the molding,,and we d,t can turn the corner if we d,t have this tool,, i am looking for to rent this tool or make one,,a thing for to open the groove with the roler on the top for to push the molding in the mean time we open the groove,,i am there now,,, the glass is on the car,,with her seal,, that geeve a nice look but with no molding,,
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Re: front window seal

Post by raygreenwood » my meory, installing the seal on the car first and sealing it on with urethane and letting it dry overnight and then installing the glass into it seemed to work best. I used two vinyl coated clothes line cords. I set the bottom the glass into the seal lips....pull teh rope from teh center outward to pop the inner lip over the bottom of the glass and seat the bottom corners.
Then work up the sides. then stop to carefully install the second cord into the top groove. Pull from the outside top corners inward to the center. Ray
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Re: front window seal

Post by albert »

yes RAY i thing at that too,, i do this tech. tooday ,, that make only 4 times i remoove the glass and put back,, 1 more time that is nothing,,lol,, :mrgreen: but i have one more question,,, for the body spacer on the 412,,all around the glass frame,, the dimention on the new seal for the body groove is only 1/16,, and on the old seal it was 1/4'' lardge,, and the new seal d,t can pass over this frame spacer,,i remoove this spacer and the seal close tigth on the frame,i am not sure if we have need that ,, beecause on the side glass and or on the rear glass we d,t have this body spacer,, but the seal for the side glass wass with only 1/16 lardge for the body groove,,i know wend the seal is glue on the frame the glass stay in place,,albert
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Re: front window seal

Post by albert »

ouf,, now ,,my windshield is change with the type2 seal and the 412 chrome molding,, all the kit geeve a nice look ,,not perfect but that was the first time of my life i change the windshield seal on a car,, now i have a new glass ,,new seal and the original 412 chrome molding,,long job but my tech. is safe ,, for to save the glass and chrome molding , for to put a new seal,,albert
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Re: front window seal

Post by albert »

thanks ,,TUNA,, like you can see ,the dash was restore and the front seat too,,
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Re: front window seal

Post by albert »

if you want ,,what kind of look can geeve the type 2 seal on the 412 you can go at this adress,,, on google,,,, type 4 ,,,,,and go to the forum page,,, and look for ,,,bon plan,,, botthom of the forum pages,,, bb412,, i have sent couple pict of that there,,i have send too, many différent pict,,on,,,bb412,,,albert
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