low oil pressure

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low oil pressure

Post by Ramsey6199 »

Just purchased a 1974 thing and it starts right with no problems as well as idling. Thing is after about 15 min of driving say 50mph the oil pressure drops to around 20psi. And he starts running hot, any idea on what this could be. Forgive me if this has been asked but I tried searching through the odd search feature on this forum but with no luck
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Re: low oil pressure

Post by Bruce2 »

What is your oil temp?
What oil are you using?
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Re: low oil pressure

Post by Marc »

Check some basics. Grope the cooling fan to see if it's sucked in a paper towel or some leaves. Look at the V-belt, does it appear glazed on the sides? If so it may be slipping. I hope you don't have any aftermarket chrome pulleys, they're guaranteed to promote belt slip. There are two belt sizes you can use, the "standard" 9.5x905La should be adequate for a generator (Things use a 38A gen, bigger than the 30A used on Bugs but normally OK with the same belt). With an alternator you definitely should use the 11.2x912La belt, and if you do need a new one I'd recommend that even for a generator-equipped Thing.
If you can't firmly grasp the oil dipstick handle for several seconds without wincing in pain, there's an overheat problem.
Is all of the engine compartment sheetmetal in place, and the seal between body and engine intact? Any gaps will allow hot air from below to recirculate.
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Re: low oil pressure

Post by IsabelaFranco »

I'm now getting this error message multiple times a day and am due to drop my truck off at the dealer tomorrow for two days while they under take further testing.
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Re: low oil pressure

Post by Kubelmann »

Any new news on your issue? WE are here for you.
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