FJCamper wrote:Hi Carl,
Impressive and skillful work. Expensive as well, I'd imagine. But now you have a solid Ghia, and one that gets more valuable by the year.
You've really saved one, Carl. Thanks.
The friend doing the welding is definitely skillful, I'm so pleased I didn't attempt it ! As for the cost, this has been kept down by him making some parts rather than buying some of the expensive repair panels and just using bits of them. I made the choice to start from scratch with a cheaper car so I could build on a solid foundation, rather than buy something that looked more shiny and complete and risk it being rotten underneath. Good Ghias in the UK go for many times more than I paid for mine in it's un-restored state.
Went to see the car tonight, the nearside heater channel is now on, as well as the repairs to the pan. even though it's in pieces, it looks better than when I dropped it off (if that makes sense!)