
VW underneath a classic Italian body design.
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Post by foolswagen »

Hi! I wanted to introduce myself as half the Foolswagen team. Each year my husband and I participate in a street rally known as BABE. Every year we resurrect an old VW that has been sitting in a field for years. (We can spend no more than $500 for our cars). We then take them from Staten Island, NY to New Orleans, LA in 5 days. There mare many competitions along the way and we could always use advice, help, and sometimes parts from the people that we meet. Please take a look at our website to learn more about us and follow us on facebook for 2012 Rally (We just bought a ghia)updates!!
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Re: Foolswagen

Post by FJCamper »

Hi Foolswagen,

I thought maybe you were pulling our chain here, with all the strange sports/racing events there are, but it seems you are indeed legit!

Running a $500 car in an event is not unknown to us. The Chumpcar and LeMons racing events are based on $500 cars.

So this year you are running a Ghia.

What parts do you need?

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Re: Foolswagen

Post by helowrench »

and where are you located?
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Re: Foolswagen

Post by foolswagen »

Apparently I do not check this forum often...we have had one heck of a time getting the ghia up and running...and we now leave in a little more than a week. We finally have the engine in and a new starter in place. My husband has been laboring over the wiring...we are now looking for brake lines and such.

We have decided to run the event for charity this year so please help us spread the word and donate if you can. Every little bit helps.

As for the Rally we have several teams that also run LeMons and Chump. This is a much smaller event, but its a blast!!
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Re: Foolswagen

Post by carl4x4 »

Looking on their Facebook page, it appears that the Ghia won !
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