Its hard to see cause its all black but installed plexiglass panels to find all the bolt hole in the surounding structure. These are used to make new separation panels out of steel, and find where the holes need to go in them.
After the paint dried, installed the gas tank
The safari windows came in, so fit them to the car. That way if something didn't fit I could fix it before paint.
Also brackets have to be welded in. My wife was helping,
Painted the interior black after fitting the steering column. Steering box came back from the rebuild shop.
Side window frames are extremely rusty, pretty much unusable. Luckily I can buy new ones.
After getting new frames from powder coat I'm ready to assemble frames and seals to the glass.
Had to file the powder coat on the ends to make them fit like they did when I test fit them bare, it was built up too much.
A bondo scraper works good as a seal install tool
My car needed small tubs in the front. Did as little as i needed, so I could use my stock seats
New wheels and tires fitted
Finished straightening the front bumper with body filler. Figured it was good place to start. Figured if I could make this good I should be able to do the rest of the body.
Worked the doors, filled holes and repaired rust holes, also shimmed them to fit in the door jambs
Door gaps were to big, welded a length of welding rod to the door edge.
Installed rear brake kit. This changes my lug pattern so I can install the new wheels in the back.
Started fitting new bed panels
My son helping by removing paint off the doors
Started some of the body filler
both kids wanted to help, so they are stripping the back of the cab
After a lot of body filling and sanding I got all the minor imperfections mostly ironed out. I learned a lot about body work. I was too busy to take pictures. But finally got it all primed.
Interior and door jambs painted
Car masked to paint the roof
Roof done
Nose done
Had to re-sand the nose, found tiny dents I missed small enough that the paint filled most of them.
Guide coating the car. Getting ready to wet sand the primer.
More sanding..
Masking the bed
Done! Except for the drop gates, still have work to do on them.
Pulled the engine out of my bug, Is a 2007cc with only about 300 miles on it since I built it.
Pulled it apart, want to try a mellower cam, drop the compression down to 8.75:1
Built my own carb linkage
Works perfect!
Installed another engine I built to break it in. This one is an 1850cc Nothing easier than installing an engine in a bus, The stock carb didn't work. Wouldn't idle below 2k. Later put dual carbs on
Addendum to Newtons first law:
zero vehicles on jackstands, square gets a fresh 090 and 1911, cabby gets a blower.
EZ3.6 Vanagon after that.(mounted, needs everything finished) then Creamsicle.