Slowly re-doing my 1979 Type 1, 1600 dual port, fuel injected motor. As air leaks are troublesome, especially with the FI, I want to make sure all is air-tight. It may seem crazy - but an original FI has a lot of places where leaks can happen - I'm trying to pre-empt them ...
A few questions on gaskets and adhesive:
Air distribution box/ alternator stand - comes in (2) halves with a paper thin gasket in between. If I can find that gasket ( any ideas where to get one ? ), is there any type of sealant or gasket dressing I should use ? And, if I can't find a gasket, what kind of gasket silicone should I use ?
Intake manifolds - the thick, black 'spacers' between the cylinder and the manifold - should anything be on either side to keep an airtight seal ?
Oil splash/deflector - under the oil filler - gaskets here or is that a crushable gasket that's part of the deflector ?
Big rubber elbow off of the air flow meter - there's a (3) way splitter on the underside where it seems like it could be an area for leakage - anyone ever retro the split that goes into the rubber elbow to make it 100% airtight ?
Thank you. Trying to keep the OEM FI working. Many people switch for carbs, but I think that if all is sealed right and set right - it should work just fine...
Gaskets / Sealants for Stock Fuel Injected - Advice ?
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- Joined: Mon Jun 14, 2004 4:46 pm