Come again? You want to use this as an oil pressure warning lamp?
It's intended to be a dual bulbholder for a temperature warning system (Mercedes-Benz, probably) where an inline engine has a sensor or a V-8 has one on each bank, wired in parallel. The bulbs are wired in series between Term 15 (ignition) and Term D+ on the generator, so that when you switch on the key the lamp glows dimly, proving that both bulbs are working. When the engine is started and voltage comes up on D+, there's not enough difference in potential to light them so it goes dark. If that was all there was to it, it would effectively be nothing more than a generator warning lamp - a dim one
Term WK (the red wire) isn't ground - it comes in to an isolated mounting block which houses the two bulbs. When it's grounded by the sensor(s) there will be full voltage across each bulb (on a running engine that's charging) so the lamp glows brightly.
So, if you just want to use it as an oil pressure light you could connect the red wire to the ignition switch output and hook up the wire from the sensor to one or both bulbs.
It could also be used as the ultimate "idiot" light by connecting one lamp to the oil pressure sender and the other one to the charging system warning lamp wire...but when it lit you'd have no indication of which problem is present, so I'd only use it in addition to (not in place of) the two stock warning lamps.