Adios amiga.

The VW Beetle. Everything about bugs!
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Adios amiga.

Post by crvc » ... d81479.jpg

Had her for ten years. But a bad back makes working on her difficult. So a young couple drove 5 hours from Idaho just to look at her.

While waiting for them to arrive it dawned on me that I didn't know where the key for the doors was. Finally found it but with the door open I put the key in and accidentally locked it. And couldn't unlock it. Ended up taking half the door off to lubricate the locking mechanism. I'd just gotten the door back together when they arrived.

Once they saw her they wanted her, even though neither knows how to drive a stick. They tried paying with Paypal but in the end went to a bank and bought back cash. And a trailer. I drove her up onto the flatbed, secured the tires with straps and they started back to Idaho. Driving out of the cul-de-sac I chased after them waving my arms like a maniac. They stopped, rolled down the window and I said, "I changed my mind. No deal. Roll her off." They both stared at me open-mouthed til I said, "Just kidding."

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Re: Adios amiga.

Post by ps2375 »

Too bad you had to sell her. So, 5 hrs, they must be in eastern Idaho, looks like they got a real jewel of a car.
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