Well, I won't lie, I'm a bit confused by the oblong hole. My cars are 73 and 74 and all the holes are round, so I apologize if I steered the wrong way. WCM usually has everything.
So... the light seals only exist in the lens to housing if I remember right... the fender to housing is not "sealed" so much as a rubber gasket is there to prevent paint wear. the way the housing and light and lens assemble, is supposed to "seal" the lights from water intrusion.
Your picture shows some great wire protection in place already. However, A round Grommet will fit nicely in the Oval/oblong hole as well. If I remember right, I saw a variety pack of grommets at the Harbor freight store for a little bit of nothing... That might do what you want. Since all you mention is wire protection, this should help to some extent.The sizes went up to 1" if I remember, so these may still be a little small. but the concept and direction is the same if you shop Home Depot or Car Quest or NAPA or some other sources.
Last edited by SCOTTRODS on Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
I have found them completely missing more than once. - PILEDRIVER
TB, typically what Scottrods said is pretty true. A hole like that probably is for a light with a bulbus protrusion that intrudes/fits into the slotted hole with the gasket having the piercings for the other holes to hold light housing in place. Grommets typically are of thicker material so if the tail light housing were a flat surface there would/could be pushed up.
H2OSB wrote: ↑Sat Nov 10, 2018 8:27 am
Well, I won't lie, I'm a bit confused by the oblong hole. My cars are 73 and 74 and all the holes are round, so I apologize if I steered the wrong way. WCM usually has everything.
It appear to me that someone opened up the round hole and added a couple more. Here's the standard seal --
H2OSB wrote: ↑Sat Nov 10, 2018 8:27 am
Well, I won't lie, I'm a bit confused by the oblong hole. My cars are 73 and 74 and all the holes are round, so I apologize if I steered the wrong way. WCM usually has everything.
It appear to me that someone opened up the round hole and added a couple more. Here's the standard seal --
93599aa97249c7e08fe1d5e017f50808[1] copy.jpg
I agree HDOSB: If you go back and look at the hole you will notice that the straight cuts enjoining the two arcs are not in perfect sync at the ends of the arcs like a manufacturer would make but slightly "bulge'd" in. The edges are rough also.
It would be interesting to know what was put there asuch as if the hole was for a deep penetration by the different than stock housing or something like that.
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Probably someone installed some other tail lights... square or something... and to make the holes work they just augered them out with whatever... I know what the seals look like, but hadn't had a rear fender off in a long time... I need to on one of my vehicles... but haven't due to health issues and energy levels...
I have found them completely missing more than once. - PILEDRIVER
Sorry to hear of the health and energy issues. Keep the build and other positive thoughts in your mind as it can take away some of the concentration on the other two issues. From experience !