I have bought a 1967 1500cc automatic Beetle in bits along with a lot of spares.The engine was out when I got the car.When fitting engine the torque converter is fitted to gearbox first which includes the starter ring gear and then metal plate is fitted to crankshaft , in same way as normal flywheel, which bolts onto torque converter when engine is joined to gearbox. The problem I have is how do do I torque what would be have been flywheel bolt up with no means of locking engine as it is not possible to use standard flywheel locking tool.
Sorry for delay in replying, it's an stick shift.Took engine to my local tyre garage and they used heavy duty impack gun. Engine running and have soda blasted complete body shell and I'm busy repairing door bottoms with repair panels. Hopefully get it painted in next couple of months.Robert