Hi, I have a 2000 gti vr6, is this beetle faster than my car

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Hi, I have a 2000 gti vr6, is this beetle faster than my car

Post by VRSICK »

the car comes today ladys and gentlemen!!!
I'm the newest member of the beetle family.. incase you havent seen any of my other posts, its a 70 with an 1835cc engine, some other mods, and duel carbs....

its my first one, and I dont know much about the car other than that, my father actually picked it out, since hes had about 6 of them back in the day, and he used to tune old 356s, so he knows about aircooled engined cars alot more than I would.....

My question is this... the engine is modded slighly, and from what I do know, its a 1835cc, duel carbs, and converted to alternator, and big heads.... thats all the info the guy gave my dad about the engine, or atleast that he can remember.....

anyways, do you think that the car will be faster than my 2000 gti vr6??

cause if it is, I would want to pimp it as it is for a little while before I restore it....
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Hi, I have a 2000 gti vr6, is this beetle faster than my car

Post by turbo-oval »

NO THE g.t.i will smoke it
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Hi, I have a 2000 gti vr6, is this beetle faster than my car

Post by Mikes72sb »

The GTI VR6 will smoke the 1835 Beetle. If you modded the 1835 more (port and polish, bigger carbs, tranny, all that good stuff), then there might be a competition. A bigger engine will help, too Image

\X/ Mike Serrone
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Hi, I have a 2000 gti vr6, is this beetle faster than my car

Post by mchn13 »

depends on the state of tune,(heads ,cam,carbs,);i've seen 1835's,and smaller run 13's in the quarter!
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Hi, I have a 2000 gti vr6, is this beetle faster than my car

Post by Ryan72 »

Like has been said, really depends on state of tune, I have seen 1835's that make well over 130HP. If thats the case then do a little math with the power to weight ratio's and you might be surprised what you learn ;oP
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Hi, I have a 2000 gti vr6, is this beetle faster than my car

Post by James2 »

Typical tune for a 1835 would put it at high 15s, low 16s 1/4.
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Hi, I have a 2000 gti vr6, is this beetle faster than my car

Post by tomt »

Will the bug be faster at top end? No

Will it be quicker? Maybe
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