34pict setup questions

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34pict setup questions

Post by Bare »

Last month I rebuilt (cleaned and carb kit basically) my '71 34pict Carb..everything was in pretty good condition so no surprises/unpleasantness encountered, in fact it worked pefectly from the outset but now about 500 miles later the thing is doing odd idle things. It does not want to drop down to idle speed, as in at stop lights.. staying up around 1000/1500 rpm..Kicking the throttle doesn't help.. Very annoying.. checked everything, points,plugs,fuel filter, replaced vacuum lines, sprayed WD40 looking fer leaks.. no appreciable effect.
Have reset the choke mech.. yes it's working as required, also set (repeatedly;-) the fuel and air screws as per the Manual.. can get the idle pretty near where it should be.. but after a test trip around the block the problem reappears... symptoms feel just like the throttle butterfly isn't fully closing...have reset the throttle cable even, have not yet physically inspected the butterfly but that doesn't seem likely unless there's a rock stuck in there.
Could be the float level.. but it wuz fine for 500 miles.. ANY and all suggestions gladly recieved.
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34pict setup questions

Post by Bucko »

Sounds like you've done it all in the carb section, except check for crap in the gas/gas tank that perhaps clogged the carb; that however usually makes the car NOT idle or have rough spots. Not what you are describing.
Have you checked your timing to see if it by chance slipped? Or maybe the points ar pitted? I know this doesn't sound like it would cause a fast idle, but if the timing is advanced too much, that may cause a high idle.
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34pict setup questions

Post by rich2481 »

Is your accel cable catching on anything???
start there disconnect that and check carb
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34pict setup questions

Post by oregonian52 »

My 72 does the same thing, and I've done all the things you have. Only difference is on a long downgrade the engine will return to 900 rpm when coming to a stop at the bottom of the hill. The car idles fine in the morning but after it warms up will idle about 1100-1200. Even with the new carb I installed. I suspect the throttle cable is hanging up somewhere but it hasn't turned into a major problem so I live with it.

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34pict setup questions

Post by Bare »

Interesting.. ideas.. Timing is spot on..points are newish.. the engine couldn't run better. Hi/erratic idle is the only problem.
My thoughts were on the throtle cable as well.. but there is no probem there and is easily checked.
Perhaps and likely?? there may be a tiny particle in the idle jets/holes inna carb itself causing me this grief.
Pouring some Alcohol in the tank seems to have helped some.. so it might be a fuel quality problem... the search continues ;-)
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34pict setup questions

Post by Bare »

A full tank of premuim fuel and the thing runs /idles as it should.. apparently poor fuel was the source.. Never would'a thought it before. Perhaps this may help someone else.
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34pict setup questions

Post by tomt »

I only run premium grade gasoline. I've had bad luck with the lower grades in all of my vehicles at one point or another. Makes me wonder if there are differences other than just the octane rating...
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34pict setup questions

Post by mharney »

Guess it's karma for the crap you gave that poor sucker about his muffler. Image

34pict setup questions

Post by larsha »

Have you checked the manifold mounting nut on the case which is just below the carb for any movement. I have noticed these on a couple of other bugs.
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