starter problems

The VW Beetle. Everything about bugs!
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Joined: Sun Mar 03, 2002 12:01 am

starter problems

Post by puffin-billy »

see hard start relay kit in rocky mt motorworks most recent catalog or install a similar device. it worked for me. i had the same problem and had a similar relay device installed. no more non-starts---see vw21, rocky mt motorworks cat, p. 24
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Joined: Thu Mar 21, 2002 12:01 am

starter problems

Post by 64custom »

the starter i have is self supported so that eliminated the bushing in the tranny. I picked up a new starter switch just to try and see if it makes a difference and i also picked up a hard start relay from Blimp vw parts in cypress ca( )I picked up the relay just in case the switch does not fix the problem. By the way, puffin billy, can you tell me how you hooked up the five wires on your hard start relay?

starter problems

Post by LeeM »

The starter you describe is a VW starter, as opposed to a Bosch, (which has the unsupported shaft). The one you have is generally considered a better design, and was often used as a repair item when the bronze bush failed with a Bosch starter.

You really do need to install this relay to ensure that the starter solenoid gets the current it needs to work correctly. The connections are described in my original post. If the relay you have has 5 terminals, the 5th one will probably be marked 87a, in which case it is not used in this application.

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