Black stuff coming out of tail pipes?????

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Black stuff coming out of tail pipes?????

Post by Roddy »

I have a '72 SB with 1600 dp engine. While I was outside today tinkering on the bug I noticed something coming out of the taipipes while it was running. It was black in color and seemed to almost spray out in little dots. It wasn't really heavy but it was noticable. Eventually as it ran it stopped, but is has me worried. What could cause this? Just the other day I had the carb off putting on a rebuild kit...maybe that has something to do with it.
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Black stuff coming out of tail pipes?????

Post by mharney »

if it dried up, it was condensation and some carbon. Normal.
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Black stuff coming out of tail pipes?????

Post by staab »

yea i get that too... little flecks on my shop pants when im standing behind the engine on warm up
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Black stuff coming out of tail pipes?????

Post by rich2481 »

start worrying about it after the car is totally warmed up. condensation with the exhaust crap in muffler make a hell of a mess. You said it goes away so that is a good sign pointing toward condesation

[This message has been edited by rich2481 (edited 05-23-2002).]
s. hatcher

Black stuff coming out of tail pipes?????

Post by s. hatcher »

Sounds like you might be running too rich, and that you are spitting out the unburnt fuel that has collected deposits.


'65 Beetle - "the Creamsicle" orange w/ white sides
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Black stuff coming out of tail pipes?????

Post by sinistervw »

its just condensation...smell it its water...if it was running rich enough to spray raw fuel out the pips then there would be a crap load of black smoke too!
s. hatcher

Black stuff coming out of tail pipes?????

Post by s. hatcher »

Not nessecarily....I'm positive that mine was spitting out little dots of fuel, and the only black smoke was a minimal amount at higher RPMs.

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