Banjo fitting for ATF hoses on Autostick
Banjo fitting for ATF hoses on Autostick
When I received my rebuilt autostick tranny and put it in the car, I noticed that that casing the company used didn't have a recess for the sealing washer on my banjo fitting where the ATF hose meets the casing. It leaks like a sieve since the existing washer doesn't fit down into the case a little bit but just rides on the outside. Is there any way to make this fitting work? Is there a new special washer? Could I use a squash washer from the oil change kit - it fits the bolt. I thought that maybe the squash washer (copper) might conform to the outer edge of the hole and seal the leak. Any ideas? (Also, why would the case be missing this recess for the washer?)
Banjo fitting for ATF hoses on Autostick
I'll try one more time before I attack the problem tonight. Any ideas about the lack of a recess for the sealing washer?