Carb selection

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Carb selection

Post by Baja4fun »

Hey guys, cool site. I searched but so many combos, all different replies...
I picked up a Baja w/1835 that was stripped. I have everything but a carb set up. This dude has two carbs (center mnt)for sale and said he would include jetting for my motor. A Weber 40IDF with 28vents, 60idle, 145main, 165air and F-11 emultion tubes...or a 44IDF with 32vents, 50idle, 135main, 160air and F-7 emultions.
Which carb would be better for my motor and do the jetting he recommends sound right?
1835 w/40x35 heads
.438 total adjusted lift, 225 dur@.050
002 bus trans
30"or31"? tires
In search I see this question irritates some, but I would really appreciate helpful recommendations as I have little experienced with carbs.
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Carb selection

Post by Marc »

From what I've gathered from recent threads on the subject you'll want the richer F7 tubes (and manifold preheat) or you'll be fighting a major flatspot on acceleration.
The 40 with 28 chokes is kinda small for an engine that size and big-valve heads but if stump-pulling is more important than top end it could be what you want. Personally I'd be inclined to go with the 44 and it sounds like the jetting's already close to what there have been a couple of good reports on.

here's some threads to check out for yourself: ... 02427.html ... 02419.html ... 02349.html

Carb selection

Post by baja4fun »

I was leaning toward the 44IDF too. I searched almost all the forums and it was clear the F7 is choice for center mount. A lot of the treads say heat tubes are a must. I Live in the desert and its hot on the cold days. Do I still need to preheat?
Not much consistency on jets though. I guess Ill go with what he recommends and see how it works. I do want a stump puller though. Sand and big tires sucks the juice right out of a small motor.
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