Wheel adapters question.

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Wheel adapters question.

Post by super73 »

Im getting married November 2nd and im planning on driving away in my 73 super beetle. A friend of mine said he would let me borrow a set of his 17" vw gti rims, but the pattern is 4X100 and mine is 4X130 is there any where you know of that i can get a adapter to make it work. Thanks
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Wheel adapters question.

Post by MysterE »

I am also interested in wheel adaptors. I know people have said they are available, but I haven't seen them on any websites. Perhaps I am overlooking them or they are called something else.
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Wheel adapters question.

Post by captCRUNCH »

i've read quite a few places that wheel adapters arn't favorable. one, the stick your wheels out that much further. two, more bolts to keep tight or come loose (and i've heard this is a problame). three, if you want to run different wheel paterns you should find a shop that will re-drill you drums (or rotars) to the wheel pattern and have no worries. shouldn't cost you any more than buying wheel adapters.
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Wheel adapters question.

Post by scottk »

You can get the drums in any bolt pattern you want.... Just check cb performance, the real source, any place like that.. maybe and preferably www.aircooled.net

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