I couldn't resist. I have to post this.
Today, I saw a cool Ricer Prelude. This thing had about 17 different stickers and stripes on it. I couldn't take my eyes off of one in perticular. He had one of those Pee on Honda stickers on it. You know the one with the dude taking a leak and in the puddel is the Honda logo. This Stupid Ass was pissing all over himself and didn't even know it. STUPID RICERS!!!!! I wish I was a Ricer...
Anyways, I thought I would share the sight. I had to pull over to avoid an accident because I was laughing so hard...LOL LOL LOL
[This message has been edited by 59buggin (edited 09-26-2002).]
Thinking about making some bumper stickers that just say "Steamed or Fried?"... I think I got the idea from here, but regardless, it's funnier than hell.