Clutch grabbing hard in 1st...any ideas?

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Clutch grabbing hard in 1st...any ideas?

Post by chinacat »

Hey all, got a clutch/transmission question for you all today: When I release the clutch to get going in 1st gear, the clutch engages pretty quickly at one spot, making the engine want to stall if I'm not careful. She's totally drivable, I just hate to race the engine while easing out the clutch to get her moving. All other gears engage very nicely, and there's really not much play in my shifter/linkage (feels about right).

A couple of things to consider: I just had a new clutch plate installed when the engine was out and being rebuilt. Could it just be new and extra stiff? Also just had new engine & transmission mounts installed, but the hard engaging is still there, so a loose engine/tranny is not the cause.

Anything you can think of for me to check would be greatly appreciated.

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clutch grabs

Post by BobMiller »


I would look at the flexible clutch cable guide tube that runs between the pan and the transmission. This must have a slight "dip" in it to prevent chattering. I believe about a 1/2" dip is normal. If this wasn't installed correctly I suspect you would see the problem you describe.

Bob Miller
Riverside, CA

Post by Guest »

Yeah - seems like that tube (bowden tube?) is the subject of many clutch chatter problems. At least that's what I've been reading online. Thanks for the advice - I'll check it out this weekend.
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