Thing Gas Heater.... I got a good one.

VW's aircooled mini SUV. Great for riding in the country, or cruising the beach.
Capn Skully
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Thing Gas Heater.... I got a good one.

Post by Capn Skully »

I have dismantled a half dozen cars this year. On my second Thing a 1973 model. It has a Gas Heater. I pulled the heater out today and I have it in the shop. The heater is extremly clean, no rust inside or out. I conected it to a battery and the fan ran perfectly. All the wiring is intact, all the relays look like new.

I want to know how to test it. Does it need the gas pumped in or does it siphon it from the tank? I also need a wiring diagram to see how it is connected.

I plan to sell it but I hate to put it on eBay. What is it worth?
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Bob Ingman
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Post by Bob Ingman »

Capn the 73 thing has a gas heater that is fed by a T coming off the gas tank. It has an internal pump that is responsible for supplying and regulating fuel flow.
There is a gray wire from the timer that is the power sourse. Run that to a switch and ground the heater to the opposite side of battery.
I have a friend that is a long time VW guy. He has tested gas heaters in his shop from time to time and I will give yoiu his email so that you might ask him directly if needed. His name is Joe Timberman. Best of luck. Bob Ingman
Capn Skully
Posts: 400
Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 5:56 am

Post by Capn Skully »


Thanks, as always you are a wealth of information.
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