Rear End -- Clicking Up???

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Rear End -- Clicking Up???

Post by MNAirHead »


I'm JUST learning about our 73 thing and planning to do some minor projects (mostly bolt-on options).

We'll be putting on aftermarket rims...

I'm aware that anything wider than stock normally requires widened fenders.

If we were to put taller tires on the rear, is it possible and/or a good idea to click up our rear end like a bug... or are the CVs already maxed out?...

Anyone tried it?

Just thinkikng/planning now.

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Bob Ingman
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Post by Bob Ingman »

T before installing a body lift and longer/wider rear arms I was able to install a 235/75/15 tire on a 7" rim with out rubbing. I did turn the rear bars up a little though. The Thing CVs are like any others . They have limits as to how much they can take before trouble begins. There is a photo in our 181 gallery of the car before the lift. Actually was a pretty good deal for little work. Best of luck. Bob Ingman
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Post by MNAirHead »

Thank you Bob....

Being new to the 181, have found that many questions need to be asked... they're not as disposable as our bug brethern.

We always appreciate your comments.

Chris V
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Post by Chris V »

Bob Ingman wrote:T before installing a body lift and longer/wider rear arms I was able to install a 235/75/15 tire on a 7" rim with out rubbing...
What was the offset?
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Post by fathing »

I installed heavy duty JKM adjusters on my front beam and turned the centre by one notch (about 3 mm) and the rear end was lifted conventionally by turning the torsion bars to a total of 29° down, 7° 30’ more than original. The tyres I run are 195/15 on 6x15” up front with an off set of 26mm and 215/15 on 7x15”.off set 16mm in the back. This combo works perfectly, it fills the wheel wells perfect and I don’t need wider fenders in the back. (I don’t like the look of them). This raised my Thing by over 15 cm or almost 6 “. I aggree with Bob, you can go even bigger without rubbing. I would say 235 in the back and 215 up front should work. By the way, the original CV's are second best to the Porsche 930 CV's. So don't get rid of them. The Thing CV's are the same as in Porsche 924/944's. They are as stronger as bus CV's. Blind Chicken Racing has a good article on CV's. Here is the link: ... ts_101.htm

A picture of my ride can be seen here:

Cheers Dom 8)
Capn Skully
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Post by Capn Skully »

I run 185-14s on my Thing and I am concerned because the butt looks saggy. I am thinking of turning it up one notch in the rear to make the car sit level again.

I am trying to keep it as stock as possible.


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Bob Ingman
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Post by Bob Ingman »

Gary one click on the inside will probably get 1 1/2"- 2" lift. That should do it fine and perhaps allow for a bit of future setteling. Best of luck. Bob Ingman
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