Help I am trying to fit an original glove box door

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Help I am trying to fit an original glove box door

Post by fathing »

I am trying to fit an original glove box door to my Thing. It is an original VW/Audi stamped door with lock and key, hinges and everyting. My Thing is a military spec. 181 with no provision for that door. I wonder If someone with an original glove box door could take detailed pictures, (hinges, lock receptical etc.) of the door to help me install mine.
All help would be greatly appreciated.

Happy Easter

Dom 8)

Here some links to pictures of my glove box door.
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Post by Bruce2 »

I don't know too much about how to fit the door, but there is a plastic bushing that's supposed to be on the tip of each hinge pivot as seen in your pic 0021. I don't know where you can get these plastic bushings.
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Post by fathing »

Thanks Bruce
I saw that on my ETKA (IPC Illustrated Parts Catalog) as well. I can do without those I suppose. If needed I will turn them on a lathe.
What I really need to know is where the factory mounted the lock keeper. In my opinion it is too long. And any measurments of where I have to drill the holes for the hinges would be appreciated. I don't want to drill more than 2 holes to make it work.

Thanks Dom 8)
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Post by fathing »

Hello? Ist this darn door that rare? :( Nobody seems to have one installed or cares to share pictures. Pleeees help!

Cheers Dom 8)
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Post by MNAirHead »

All of them that I've seen have been after market.

I've thought about trying a bay window bus cover and seeing how close it was.

Rare... yep.

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Post by Bruce2 »

They are rare because they were not introduced until the 76 model year. 73 and 74 were the highest production years I think.
Al Capulco
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Post by Al Capulco »

I think there is a guy name Pedro that would know, He does post here. I believe he said once that the first year of the glove compartment door was the 75 model year. He also said that they would fit a 74 model (by drilling two holes for the hinges) but the earlier years would not work. I have seen the your door on Things at shows before and if I see one next month I will take some pics. I looked at your pics and your hinges look dfferent. The hinges I have seen are the same as the ones that are used on the dash pannels or the type IV glove box. If you can get another door, let me know, I would like to have one. Hope this helps.
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Post by fathing »

Thanks, I never thought about it this way, :roll: if it was introduced in 1975 the shoptalk and samba forum are the wrong places to ask my question. You guys wouldn't know. :( The hinges look the same as on the dash pannels while installed. If you compare them side by side the hinges from the door are longer and have a slight angle to them.
Yes Bruce, 1974 was the highest production year. If I get another door, and in fact I will shortly :lol:, I think about you, Al Capulco plus I will write an essay on how to install that darn thing.

Cheers Dom 8)
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Post by Bruce2 »

Dom, some of us on this board have been to other countries where T181s were available in years other than 73 and 74. I think Mexico has to be the holy land for T181s. And Pedro lives in the Holy city of Puebla.

Your hinges look exactly like the hinges on the one I have. I don't know if there was a 2nd type of hinge.
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Thanks Bruce

Post by fathing »

I located Pedro aka lastthing and left a message in his message box. I hope he checks it out. Does someone know his Email? Can someone relay a message to him to email me?

I would greatly appreciate it. Thanx

Dom 8)
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Help I am trying to fit an original glove box door

Post by pjmacua »

Hello Dom,

I sent an email to Pedro Sarda.

I hope that he will have the answer to your question (I don't have it).

You should get in touch with Larry at the Thing Shop. He maybe knows the answer.

Pierre-J MACUA
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Post by lastsafari »

Hello Thingers: I gladly see that most of the information is correct. I fitted a door to a 1971 Safari by welding a piece of preformed sheet metal on the left side of the glove compartment´s oppening. This was done so that the dash would meet the size of the door wich is about 3/4 " smaller than the 69-73 glove box. Also I welded the support sheet metal at the top from a post 74 car to be able to screw the stricker for the lock. All 74 Safaris can receive a door by drilling the holes on each side, then place a rubber washer like in the other dash face lids. I think 1973 Things used 1974s steering wheels whith 72 steering shaft and 1974 dash sheet metal. If this is true then any Thing can be fitted with a glove box door.
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