Thing in Cary, NC dealership

VW's aircooled mini SUV. Great for riding in the country, or cruising the beach.
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Thing in Cary, NC dealership

Post by GothingNC »

Went to go look at at TDI this weekend and Leith VW in Cary, NC.

Spotted a really sharp green 74 Thing in the middle of the showroom floor.

It was not for sale :(

Definately a lot nicer looking than the Phaeton that was next to it.
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Post by Kelley »

Sounds like a dealer who's not afraid to show some heritage in his lineup. "See how much we've changed through the years", so to speak. Totally unlike the character of VWoA and VWag. You did'nt happen to get a picture, didja 8) ?
Posts: 285
Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2002 12:01 am

Post by GothingNC »

I got the picture.
The dealer at SOuthern Sates in Raleigh did not give a hoot about Aircooled, just selling VW's, Hyndies, Nissans and Subarus under the same roof.

The dealer in Cary has a small event called breakfsst with beetles ;ast year and invited our local aircooled club GROOVE and another watercooled VW club.

The aircooled group was a lot more social. We had about 15 vehicles show up and had a free breakfast. Some of the employees there have aircooled VW's of their own.
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