Missing thermostat and operation rod?

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Missing thermostat and operation rod?

Post by radioman »

I recently had my 73 Thing engine out for a visual inspection. Its OK. I am missing the thermostat and operating rod. But I reattached the flapper spring in what was the proper postion. NOW: without the thermostat, will the cooling flaps STAY in the open...cooling ...position? Or do I need to remove the engine and redo the spring? A new thermostat and rod will cost about $89 bucks that I don't have. I am in the deep south and don't drive the Thing in the winter...but I want good cooling in the summer. Using a long reach photo thermometer, the engine oil is about 173 F after a long ride. That seems good to me. Suggestions? Bill bblide@sc.rr.com
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Post by Advokat »


The default position is with the flaps open-that's what the spring on the back of the fan shroud is there for.

As to the $89.00 price, that sounds super crazy. I bought a rod for about $5.00 and a good, used thermstat for another few.

Try getting in touch with Mike Basso at Things Unlimited (www.thingsunlimited.net) right away. I'm sure he can hook you up for a fraction of that price.

Good luck,
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