About to get somTHING, need some advice on what to look for.

VW's aircooled mini SUV. Great for riding in the country, or cruising the beach.
super vw
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About to get somTHING, need some advice on what to look for.

Post by super vw »

Well, we have a friend who has a 74 thing, not sure on how many miles it has on it but i do know its in super great shape and has always been garaged, for the past 6 years infact! for those six years, the thing has not seen much use at all,a few trips to the store by the wife, and to get gas, but thasts it.
My question is.... what are some things i need to look for?
We are driving 300 miles to get it and to drive it home (so 300 mile trip home)
AND, what should i do to get it ready for a 300 mile trip after its been sitting for six years?

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Bob Ingman
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Post by Bob Ingman »

Johnathon Its the same as the bug in that regard. Check the valves and the oil. Carry a spare gen belt. Check for leaks and you`re set. Good luck. Bob Ingman
super vw
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Post by super vw »

well, we made it home... other than a wire that came loose on the coil it was a totaly great ride! the engine pulls well and never missed a beat the whole way. we had the top down windows out the whole trip. we left at 6 pm so we rode into the night over the mountains... that was the best part! it took us about 7 hours.

The fuel line is totaly filled with rust, so im gonna have to clean out the tank and blow out the fuel lines some how, thats the best way to clean out the tank and seal it? then to clean out the metal line in the tunnel?

Also the gas heater stoped a few (well 3-4) hours into use, do they go into thermal overload and shut off normaly? we had to flip the reset switch.
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dr. no
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Post by dr. no »

For the gas tank: POR tank sealer, after POR metal-ready cleaner (after the cleaners of your choice. Empty the tank as best you can, take all the hoses and the filter off the bottom, and let it sit in the sun as many days as you can be fore really working on it.
Capn Skully
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Post by Capn Skully »

The heater has a timer it runs for about 20 min. I think there is a setting where it will run indefinitely.

The POR 15 kit runs $50 - a brand new tank runs around $50 plus shipping and it is a lot less work.
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