I have a Zenith 32 NDIX that I dusted off and installed on my 74 Thing. There is minimal clearance between the top of the carb and the bottom of the parcel shelf. What do people use to route the air from a larger air cleaner to the carb? I have been thinking of forming something out of aluminum but if there is a simple way I have been overlooking, I am just as happy to skip the work. The top of the carb is 2 5/8" in diameter. There is only just enough room to slide in a 2X4 in on the flat and still have room to slide down over the air cleaner spot on the carb. This shape would give me about the right cross sectional area.
Plumbing an air cleaner for a 2 barrel carb
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- Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2003 10:44 pm