Need frnt fenders/bumper

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Need frnt fenders/bumper

Post by bobkarkalik »

Please help. I'm a victum of a hit and run accident. I need 2 frnt fenders and a frnt bumper. please help if you can. I went to thing shop and things unlimited but they're way expensive. Call or write bob 408 295-5321. thanks
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Bob Ingman
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Post by Bob Ingman » has a fronnt bumber for $40. Try Mike B. for fenders that is Things Unlimited. He has both new and used parts. Good luck. Bob Ingman
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Post by Kubelmann »

Bob is correct I have a front bumper for $40 not perfect but all in one piece, rust free and could have the dent taken out prior to installation.

I have a pair of front fenders that are in the same condition. Could have the dent in each straightened easily prior to installation. They are $150 for the pair. They are rust free and would work just fine for a driver.

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