Side mirror options
- Posts: 159
- Joined: Wed Jan 28, 2004 10:55 pm
Side mirror options
What are you guys doing for side mirrors. I have some orig ones but the glass is startig to haze and the plastic around the mirror is cracked. I saw some repro's but they were like 100 each. I saw a post onthesamba for some extensions from Indonesia that would allow me to use the late bus mirrors, and I was wondering if anyone had tried these and what the outcome was? Thanks
- Kubelmann
- Posts: 1380
- Joined: Sun Jan 05, 2003 12:01 am
I have not made any purchase from the Indonesian site and their parts make me nervious. I would be very interested in hearing from anyone who has dealt with these folks.
Using a Mexican Bus mirror with a thing extension is a common practice. A number of the Thing Parts Sellers purchase those mirrors new and install the extensions and them offer them for sale as after market Thing mirrors. Remmeber that the Mexican bus mirros are far lower quality than an orginal Thing mirror.
If you shop eBay long enough and drop out below $20 you can evenatually get those Bus mirrors. About two years ago I bought one from the Goodwill for $.99. You can then drive the pins out of the extension of your original mirrors drill two little holes in the bus mirrors and you will have Thing mirrors.
I do not know if the Indonesian mirror extensions are the correct part. If I were you I would take one of the original Thing mirrors to a well respected full service glass shop that does home and auto work and get an estimate on having new mirror and seals installed. Last time I checked it was around $35 for each mirror. The original Thng mirrors are far better quality part than you can get anywhere. I currently have two original Thing mirrors that I plan to have remirrored as soon as I get a few extra$$.
I recently got a pair of "bus mirror" off ebay for a super low price that I planned to add extensions on. When they arrived they turned out to be Thing clone mirrors with extension aready installed and the chrome was painted black to cover rusty frames. The funny part is that the mirror and seals are like new perfect. So these go on my off-road car right up entil I break them or repalce them. Enough mirror blabber for now. K-mann
Using a Mexican Bus mirror with a thing extension is a common practice. A number of the Thing Parts Sellers purchase those mirrors new and install the extensions and them offer them for sale as after market Thing mirrors. Remmeber that the Mexican bus mirros are far lower quality than an orginal Thing mirror.
If you shop eBay long enough and drop out below $20 you can evenatually get those Bus mirrors. About two years ago I bought one from the Goodwill for $.99. You can then drive the pins out of the extension of your original mirrors drill two little holes in the bus mirrors and you will have Thing mirrors.
I do not know if the Indonesian mirror extensions are the correct part. If I were you I would take one of the original Thing mirrors to a well respected full service glass shop that does home and auto work and get an estimate on having new mirror and seals installed. Last time I checked it was around $35 for each mirror. The original Thng mirrors are far better quality part than you can get anywhere. I currently have two original Thing mirrors that I plan to have remirrored as soon as I get a few extra$$.
I recently got a pair of "bus mirror" off ebay for a super low price that I planned to add extensions on. When they arrived they turned out to be Thing clone mirrors with extension aready installed and the chrome was painted black to cover rusty frames. The funny part is that the mirror and seals are like new perfect. So these go on my off-road car right up entil I break them or repalce them. Enough mirror blabber for now. K-mann
- suntour
- Posts: 152
- Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:15 pm
I also have not had any experience with the Indonesian Thing parts however I should mention that Indonesia was responsible for manufacturing a far amount of 181?s. Who knows some of those parts could be leftovers from the factory? Of course this is just speculation; they could also be Taiwanese junk for all I know.
- Posts: 159
- Joined: Wed Jan 28, 2004 10:55 pm
For any of you who have swaped to a bus mirror and just added the extension from the orig mirror-how did you drill the hole straight for the pin-I understand the hole for the pin is suppose to be approx 3mm but I am not sure that I will be able to drill it straight across through the other hole in the extension. Thanks
- Posts: 71
- Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:22 am