Back "scoops"

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Back "scoops"

Post by Bucko »

In checking out the pictures that all of you have posted of your "Things", I saw that some have the slotted grills like the military 181 I have, and some have a "scoop" with a hole in front, and some without.

My limited experience with these tells me that they were perhaps added to aid in getting cool air into the fan shroud? Were they a stock item in one or more of the few years imported to the states?

I plan to drive my 181 as much as possible here in Central Florida, once it's done. The summer temperatures get hot here, so, should I add these? If so, who if any has/makes them? With or without a front facing hole? (I noticed that some had a front hole, and some looked like a solid looking box of sorts).
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Post by suntour »

Those scoops were added on the 74? model sold in the US. There isn?t any grill under those scoops just a hole. (For some reason German Things don?t seem to have those scoops at all. I have seen 77? models with the grills and still have the bus tail lights too.) I believe the front scoops were custom done by certain owners. I highly doubt they were a factory item. As for their cooling ability? I don?t know. I doubt Volkswagen put those on just for looks, they didn?t seem to do anything without reason. I have heard a rumor that 74? run cooler but why didn?t they change the NATO cars as well? No idea.
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Post by suntour »

Last edited by suntour on Wed Feb 02, 2005 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by timgud »

The muffs are for 181's that have heater boxes instead of a gas heater. They are to keep from getting any exhaust in the cooling air which could cause carbon monoxide poisoning when the heater lever is pulled.
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Post by suntour »

Cool, that would explain why the German Kubels don?t have them. Now can you answer why they have the Bus tail lights but the US ones have Bug lights?
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Post by timgud »

U.S. safety requirements gave us the bigger tail lights.
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Post by wildthings »

When I had my 1973 Thing years ago I drove a lot of dirt roads and the engine stayed covers with dirt. At the time you could buy the air inlet ducks from VW for only ten bucks a piece plus a little more for the gasket. By adding these I was able to keep the engine compartment and engine much cleaner. I never had any overheating problems either way, but I would think that there would have been a noticable difference in cooling in the long run from better engine cleanliness. :)
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