=Wide Fiberglass Fenders W/Running Boards & Stock Bumper

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=Wide Fiberglass Fenders W/Running Boards & Stock Bumper

Post by MNAirHead »


I'm getting ready to install our bolt ons to our 73....

Longer term am wondering about widened fiberglass

Anyone installed them?
Worth the time?

Would I be running into problems with the swing out tire carrier, stock bumpers and VWoA running boards?

Any advice appreciated.

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Post by Kubelmann »

I have a set of Thing shop wide fenders that will go on Herr K soon to allow for the 235 70 15 Bridstone Blizzaks on Centerline 7 x 15. My rear is far from stock. My understanding is that the stock bumper is a goner when the wide fenders go on. I will let you know as this unfolds. The tire carrier should go on last as should the running boards. I found a set recently for $125 and wished I had funds to buy. They make great rooster tail eliminators for off-road. Hope some of this is helpful. K-mann
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Post by MNAirHead »


$125 for what...

I'm interested in paying a finders fee for good bolt-on deals (running boards, fenders, bumpers etc.)

Sounds like we're doing the same project.

Follow up question...

Would it be possible to cut the "L" end part off the bummper flush? I know this would look semi-silly... but then again using double-bumpers with a tire carrier, push bar etc would also be silly.

Thanks for the reply...

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Post by Kubelmann »

I found a set of running boards for $125. No $ to buy them. There are a number of wide fenders out there. I have thought about the idea of cutting the rear bumper flush alos. I will eventually have tube bumper that is part of the tube frame/roll cage just like we do on a Baja prerunner set up. You can see it by going to Samba gallery ans search under Kubelmann. Check out Sick Thing. That is how my Thing will be set up eventually. Pmail me the exact stuffyou are looking for adn I will help you locate it. K-mann
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