Movie Cars

VW's aircooled mini SUV. Great for riding in the country, or cruising the beach.
Capn Skully
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Movie Cars

Post by Capn Skully »

Hey guys I have been reading the threads about the "Movie" Thing. They have been shooting a bunch of movies in Louisiana lately. Runaway Jury, Ray and the Dukes of Hazzard movie is currently filming.

I want to find out about getting some of my cars into the movies as background or extras. I set up a web site a while back for people wanting to get their cars into the movies. The server company went bust and it took me a while to get re-established.

If any of you have contacts or information I would appreciate it. If you want to list your cars on my site there are no fees. Also it isn't a SPAM / Spyware collection site.

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Post by Kubelmann »

Work backwards.. Contact the company listed selling the 50 first dates car. That is an "after the fact" disposal company but thye will have the connection info to connect your cars. Watch Apollo 13 sometime. That movie has a scene early on and it used the entire collection of one of the producers of the movie of his American Muscle cars. The list of cars in a 2 minute scen during the credits is a who's who of American classic cars of the late 60's. There are a few fellows on the Topica list who have worked movie cars. It is rare when the chance to build a real car for amovie happens. Most of the time they trash salavage vehicles for a movie. It is easy to trailer a carcass and mount a fixed camera that creates the illusion of a perfect car that in fact is nothing mroe than a shell with a surface interior resto. My first degree was in photgraphy and I have always used that knowledge in conjunction with my love of cars, nature and more. Best to all Thing lovers. K-mann
Capn Skully
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Post by Capn Skully »

With all due respect.... when they were filming Ray here where I live they brought in 18 wheelers full of actual running cars that were used in the movie. These were good running cars that were "decorated" for the movie. They rented them from a local guy here in Louisiana.

They are filming Dukes of Hazard in Port Vincent and they rented several local VWs for movie. I am not charging anybody anything nor do I charge the producers... I just want to rent one or all of my six cars to a movie company.

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Post by Kubelmann »

Sounds like you have found a good local connection to rent your "fleet" to the movie guys. Keep on putting Vw s"in the movies" K-mann
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