Removing washer nozzle

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74 Thing
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Removing washer nozzle

Post by 74 Thing »

How do you get to the washer nozzle that is located in front of the windshield to remove it?
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Post by radioman »

The nozzle snaps into the hole from the outside. However, to remove or replace it (or the hose)you will need to fully open the dash, remove the warm air ducts (which will probably break) to get to the underside of the nozzle and the hose. If this sounds like a lot of trouble, it is.
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Post by Kubelmann »

I had a washer nozzle on one of my Things that did not work. I was able to remove it from the outside of the body by rotating it gently with needle nose pliers. I then install the new nozzle and successfully clipped it in place. K-mann
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Post by radioman »

Roger that K:
If you can remove the nozzle from the outside AND retain the problem. Gently is the key here. Mike at Things Unlimited has the replacement nozzles. If you get it out with the hose, clamp or tie the hose off so you don't lose it.....attach the hose to the nozzle and snap it back in place. Bill
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Post by Kubelmann »

Topica just had this posted.

To get at the squirter from the dash seemed like a long haul when
looked at through a cross section revealed by a sawzall- through the
crispy moldy heater duct and masses of wiring to get to the underside
of the crumpled body that was my parts car dash. I could see the
backside of it from the cut-away view of the dash, and even though I
could have broken up and pulled out the brittle heater duct for a
couple of inches, while looking at the squirter from behind it seemed
like a fine strategy to twist it out.

So I removed the squirter from the outside of the body just the other
day by twisting it 90 degrees and pulling up. Once I got it it to
twist the 90 degrees using plain old thumb and forefinger tech (wasn't
exactly easy), it wiggled out easily, perhaps a small screwdriver would
make it even easier if you use it to push back a retainer tab. Also
probably helps if the paint is decent and was waxed recently, as it is
less frictive. The hole in the body is oblong, which allows the
retainer tab to come out whole after being twisted, so it seems to me
that it was meant to be replaceable from the outside. The part came out
fine, with the hose still on the bottom. I didn't put it back in, as it
was a part-out scenario, and I was taking it out just for fun, but It
looks like it will go back in just fine. Funny I bothered to do this
for no reason, and next thing I know someone posts a question about it
on the list!

You must have some good "carma"- good luck!

- - Dave

Remember that the pisher nozzle as we call it is a part common to most all VWs and has no direct connect to the thing. Even still we should support Mike at every opportunity. Remember to metion your particpation in the list for the Insider Thing Owner's discount. K-mann
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