Seat / Steering Wheel Ergonomics.

VW's aircooled mini SUV. Great for riding in the country, or cruising the beach.
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Captain Spalding
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Seat / Steering Wheel Ergonomics.

Post by Captain Spalding »

My recently acquired Thing has Corbeau seats and a smaller aftermarket steering wheel. While the seats look okay, it bothers me that they are not stock, or even VW. Mostly though, the problem is they are very low, and getting out of the car feels like climbing out of a hole. They've got to go, and I hope to replace them with originals. I'm also considering the '72 Beetle seats as well, mainly because of the added safety of a headrest.
Any thoughts on this?

Then there is the steering wheel. I have noticed in many photos I've seen on the internet that lots of Thing owners have opted for smaller steering wheels. Is there a reason for this? Is there an issue with leg clearance under the stock wheel with stock seats? I'd hate to go to the trouble of tracking down and installing a stock steering wheel only to discover that the guys who are putting in the smaller diameter wheels are doing so with good reason. Any input appreciated.


? Spalding
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Post by Kubelmann »

Pmail me. I have two stock steering wheels and a set of front seats to swap. K-mann
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Post by Scamutz »

I can tell you that I was just talking about that very Thing has stock seats, and a stock steering wheel and I'm looking for a smaller wheel. Personally, I just don't have enough legroom under the wheel...turning isn't as comfortable as I would like, and getting out I kind of have to step out and stand up with my outside leg, while keeping the other straight.... Granted i'm 250 lbs...but it's just not enough room for me.
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Post by LB181 »

People change out the smaller wheels for looks as well as comfort. With the stock seats, I found the steering wheel to be a little big as well. The smaller the wheel, the more muscle you have to put into turning though. It's no big deal. If you aren't going for the stock look, the seats you have should be ok. Bug seats are kind of ugly but thats just preference. You may want to look into getting some new seat tracks/mounts that offroad suppliers sell as they may lift your seat up a little higher if thats the only downside. Not sure if you are going for a stock look or offroad, or even lowered but most any seats better than a Vdub. Corey
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