I vote with my brain, TR. I'm not afraid to spend the money, but I'd rather spend the money toward R&D costs, like buying the DTM.. not supporting overly expensive S&D dynamics.
You're right Glenn, I'm sure not arguing what you say. What's unique about this item is the demand and application. I'd bet you very few of the ones that are bought end up going back on a VW Thing.
That poor sucker got taken on that shroud on eBay.
500LbGorilla wrote: I'd bet you very few of the ones that are bought end up going back on a VW Thing.
That poor sucker got taken on that shroud on eBay.
You're correct on that. I bet 90% wind up on performance engines. Even if they work "just" as good as a stock fresh air dog house, for a car with no heat and dual carbs, they do give more room and look cleaner.
Too many people don't know what they're doing and by stale air 40hp shrouds. Before you pay big money, people should do some research and ask questions. You have to see if the back has a dog house. Or at least make sure there's the small charcoal canister pipe on the upper right corner if all you have is a front view.