Er, uh, thanks. I don't know if I want to post what it looks like now...but I'll put up some pictures here soon. I cut one of the caps into four pieces, but all I could do is break off the "pie wedge" pieces when trying to work them loose. The "base" part of the pie wedges are still in there...

So, I've just ground off the sharp, mangled edges for now, to save my knuckles. I haven't a clue if I'll be able to get those chunks out now? I'm still not clear as to what is in there exactly.

Also, which direction are the pins supposed to come out? Through where the cap used to be? This pin seems solid as a rock in there! This is uncharted territory for me, and boy do I feel inept right now.

Still, I guess the average schmuck out there isn't rebuilding their own suspension and steering with some custom fabricated/rebuilt parts either... Oh, and before you embark on all this suspension stuff, it would be wise make sure you have some sort of press available I would think. With my limited tools, it has been a severe pain to get some of this stuff apart, and back together- like the idler arm bushing. I got the old one out, but managed to put a dent in the new bushing right on the lip where the pin goes through (bleh, don't ask, my clamping rig slipped out of position)- and still it is only about 2/3 of the way in there right now! Now I know to proceed with only the correct tool for the job.