Unlimited Group Buy

VW's aircooled mini SUV. Great for riding in the country, or cruising the beach.
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Unlimited Group Buy

Post by Kubelmann »

Longer ago than most of you suspect, I contacted MB in an attempt to salvage TU. He thought my idea was funny.. As a grapevine leak I suspect that one of the best used sources of OE Thing parts might vanish.. I sure would support the preservation these parts. I have some resources and ideas. Anyone out there interested in a "night job?"
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Post by caspar »

tell us more, what plan do you have? can you reach MB? will he sell??

r email me



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Post by Kubelmann »

There is so much hacked/aborted and contrived stuff going on with MB/TU

My greatest fear is that the largest collection of original Thing parts will be lost to the Thing community.

I wish I had a way to make sure that these parts did not vanish.

I need an East Coast contact who is willing to research, investigate and make contact and share direct information.

There is a groups of veteran VW Thing folks who fear that these parts will ended up being hauled away as trash.

Most folks have washed their hands of the issue. I still remain an optimist seeking a solution to preserve Thing parts for the benefit of the Thing community...
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Post by MedicTed »

Shoot me an e-mail. Give me an idea what you are talking about.

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Post by bciesq »

If you are looking for "investors", then I may be interested in helping out.
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Post by germansupplyscott »

i'm in.

the only way it would fly is if mike was co-operative and wanted it to happen.
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Post by Kubelmann »

as per usual. I stand with Scott's post.....
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Towel Rail
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Post by Towel Rail »

I'm about to tear my Thing apart and start the resto this winter. Since I'll probably need plenty of new stuff, I'm in as well. PM me here or at the Samba.

- Scott
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Post by Kubelmann »

Did some research and bank checks and neither TU and/or MB are in forclosure or other default.
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Post by tooter »

You may have to contact the Court House for his County in NY. If he was in forclosure for his home, the bank and the County would have that info. Also, I would imagine that the personal property of the business would be auctioned off to settle debts... unless the business property ownership was transfered to another party or sold to another party such as his sister before anyone could attach liens.

It is possible that all the assets of TU could have been sold for $1 to someone else and there isn't a "Thing" anybody could chase... value of the company is based on assets - $$ in the bank and value of inventory. No $$ in the bank, No inventory - no assets. If he was a corp instead of a sole proprietor, then there REALLY isn't anything to get. As a sole prop, credit card processors etc... could chase him personally, but then all he'd have to do is file bankruptcy and still be able to have transfered the "personal" assets of TU to anyone for $1. As long as he didn't sell the "business" - ie: the NAME Things Unlimited, then the "business" can still exist and yet have no assets....At any rate, if there are folks chasing him for $$, then there must be a long line of folks including his lawyers etc...of which I am not a lawyer, so I may have a very thin understanding of his situation and NY Laws... I'm a business owner, a sole prop... :roll:
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Post by doc »

But my guess is that tooter is on the right track. In any case, it looks like one way or the other, someone will have to contact MB or his family or his attorney and make an offer that will get their attention. If you were to do a deal with MB or family, it would probably pay to have a lawyer to insure you had solid "rights" to the goods.

Second problem for you guys is what are you gonna do with it once you got it? (Isn't that an old rather obscene joke? :oops: ) If you did have the stuff, what would you do then? How would yuou divide it up? Who would warehouse?

Sounds a little complicated unless someone is really going to step up and take the lead.

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Post by Bucko »

Another thing to consider: what about the parts to those that got burned? Even though a new owner to Things Unlimited would have absolutlely no liability to previous orders or debts, I'd think those who got burned would expect some sort of restitution from fellow Thing folks that take over the business?

I'd be happy to help out in any way I could. Heck, I got a bunch of spare bumpers, doors, etc. to add to the business stash.
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Post by alsehendo »

To start with, I would do an Internet background check on him and then call his relatives and neighbors. This will cost you under a $100. They may also supply you with who he banks with.

You can contact the state to see if he was Incorporated, and get copies of his required financial statements.

I would then try to talk to him directly and or his bank, they no dought are his main creditor. You may get some info by calling his neighbors also.
able to have transfered the "personal" assets of TU to anyone for $1
This is very unlikely since inventory depreciation is an expense and the tax people would get real real uptight if all of sudden all those assets over the years disappeared. No dought he was depreciating it and had storage expences like anyone else would unless he worked a cash business and was thus robbing the IRS to start with. No the goverment won't all of a sudden just let you say my assets went from thousands to $1, they will asume you unloaded it for cash and put you in jail for tax evation if you don't pay their estimated tax bill.

You guys all think it was drugs but 99% off these guys that get in trouble, (that are in the in the used parts business), get hammered by the tax cops. Ether they have his assets tied up or his local bank dose.

Most likely he was a fly by nighter and this was a cash buisness and a second income to him or his wife's, and the parts are sold off and gone already to pay tax and or drug bills, but I admire you for trying to find out for sure.

The very best way to track someone down is with a private investigator. Cheep ones go for about $75 per hour in city markets.
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Post by Brad »

well he must still be around as I have had papers served to him and from what I have been told he signed for it.

One thing to consider here is that he has done a great deal of damage to any sort of faith people may or may not have had in TU after Vince moved on.

I continue to get emails from people who have been rolled by him and some are very recent so not only is he still about but he continues to steal from anyone with an interest in 181 parts he can find.

As for making contact with him, it would be my pleasure. In fact I should be in such a position in the not to distant future and will happily pass on your best wishes in person.

www.stopthingsunlimited.info is still alive and after I add a few more updates he will be over $15 000 USD ...
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