I cut and rotated the beam and then put suspension limit straps to save the shocks. It raised it about 2". You can't go to far with ball joints and the Thing spindles are all ready offset so I think the only way to go past this is to change the frame head and install a link pin beam with long arms. (all this is assuming you have already installed larger diameter tires.)
I was afraid someone would say cut the beam.... Not that I have cut a bunch already. Just typically it is to lower cars not raise them. No one makes a raised spindle huh?
The best solution is to cut and turn the front beam and install height adjuster. Also put a pin and hook limiter to protect your ball joints. This is a a good set up for a stock beam. It is best done with the front end removed. So, if your front end has any bad parts it is a good way to rebuild your front end and raise it at the same time. McKenzies and others sell the parts you need for not much $$ . K-mann
Blind Chicken racing can raise your thing spindles have to send your spindles to them to do the mod, they info on the web site.
Please excuse my grammar mistake on the last post. I was planning to go with a 6in wider beam and switch to a link pin and 3X3 in the rear with coilovers all around, but I have since changed my mind. I could not see spending that much money and only use it for mild off-road driving. Going to do a cut, turn, adding adjusters, and re-index the spring plates. Right now I am running centerlines rims 15X3.5, 700X15 all around, stock fenders in the rear and wide fenders in the front. Once I set up the rear going to15X6 centerline with bigger tires in the rear. Skully what was the angle on your spring plates when done. Were did you get the cool tool for hold your spring plates?
Thing spindles are already raised compared to a normal bug spindle. I am not sure if they can be raised any more but even if they can, you are exceeding what the factory felt was advisable.
They are a whole different forging. The ball joints both come in from the top to make them less likely to come out in rough tereain. The actual spindle is lower on the block of metal that goes between the two ball joints so the car rides higher.