Still need a fuel gauge. Anyone? Anyone?

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SureFit Travis
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Still need a fuel gauge. Anyone? Anyone?

Post by SureFit Travis »

Well, I've gone done it good! My fuel gauge stopped working, which I replaced when I got the car....and the sending unit is fried too. This was replaced before I bought the car. So now I'm on the hunt for both the sending unit, as well as the gauge. Oh, and a proper wiring diagram.

The car (as some of you know) is a '73 412 2-door, with the twist-lock style sending unit.

Any help is appreciated!

Last edited by SureFit Travis on Mon Sep 03, 2007 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by wildthings »

For a while someone was selling sending units on eBay. Haven't seen one in a while put I haven't looked either. I may have both a used gauge and sender that I could let go, I would have to check.
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Post by func412 »

I´ve seen same kind of VDO sending units sold for boats in Finland. It looked identical and the different lengths are available. Impedance was 0 to 120 ohms.
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Post by func412 »

Here´s a link which clarifies my recent statement: ... Sender.pdf
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Post by func412 »

... and on page 28 you can see the different lengths: ... 007_en.pdf
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SureFit Travis
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Post by SureFit Travis »

Thanks for the responses; I think I have located a sending unit for a Super Beetle that will work, and now I just have to locate a gauge. Thanks, func412, for the links, however that style is different than what my car has (twist-lock vs. bolt-in).

I see that is selling an NOS dash clock/fuel gauge, but it is not the kind with the vibrator block on the rear, so I'm not confident that it is compatable. My clock works great, so I'm reluctant to buy it.

Anyhow, now my search has been narrowed down to just the gauge......(and correct wiring diagram!)

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Post by raygreenwood »

I have numerous entire gauge units. The 412 (late) was slightly different. The numerals were just a hair different and the clock was quartz. I will did through my piles tonight. Ray
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Post by Wally »

SureFit Travis wrote:; I think I have located a sending unit for a Super Beetle that will work,
AFAIK, it doesn't. Mostly because the arm is on the totally wrong side. The screw-in is indeed the same..

I am looking for quite some time for a new one myself as well. I tried to remodel a beetle unit, but that didn't work and the new (brazilian) unit appeared to be broken from the factory too, so I totally gave up on it.. :x
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Post by ubercrap »

IIRC, MoFoCo ( used to have a box full of NOS ones they were selling individually on ebay, don't know if they sold them all. Worth a shot if you don't mind being laughed at.
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Post by SureFit Travis »

if you don't mind being laughed at
Yeah, no kidding. I actually took my '68 type-3 fastback and my 412 to our local car show this year (Father's Day, 300+cars), and I actually had two people (both women, with their husbands) say "What the H*** are these doing here???"

Oh well.

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Post by Wally »

Thanks Uber; worth an email at least :wink:

I usually get very nice remarks, mostly from women that like my car sooo much. Even from cute women :shock: 8)
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SureFit Travis
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Post by SureFit Travis »

Does anyone know about the compatibility between the early and later style of gauge with the newer sending unit? I'm assuming that the sending unit is just a variable resistor anyways, so could I use an earlier gauge without the vibrator block behind it?

Looking for options!

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Post by raygreenwood »

This is a very old memory...but I beleive (think) either gauge works with either sender. But...the accuracy may be suspect as the calibration might be different on the sender itself.
Bear in mind.....the 411/412 gauge unit (the entire housing)...was also used in the late Ghia. Two years ago...Kerr automotive in Oklahoma city had two brand new complete units in the box... :shock: . They asked me if I wanted first dibs. I have lots of used ones so I said no. They were contemplating E-bay. You could call and ask...405-232-9581. I have a couple of good used 412 late gauges...probably minus the clock. Let me know if you end up in need. I have some early 412 gauges and some dedicated '74 412 gauges (at least one). Ray
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Post by SureFit Travis »

Well, with some slight modifications to the notches in the Super Beetle sending unit (had to cut a couple a bit larger), I have it successfully mounted in the tank. Impedance from 10 to 106 ohms.

The gauge was a bit of a different story. I wanted to retain my original clock, so I took just the gauge out, and put the older one in (again, slight mods to the mount of the gauge to make it slide in). Wired it up......and she read full tank.

Now, I knew the tank was only about half-full, so I pulled the sending unit, and tested it at different levels. The gauge worked correctly for a very brief period, then read full again. Put the sender back in, and played with the gauge.....okay, found a short. Fixed the short, but now it still only reads full. Dammit.

Retested the sending unit (this time, while in the 65 ohms), and checked the wiring to/from sending unit, and they are fine. Even by-passed the wiring thinking it may have rubbed through, and was shorting out....but not so. Sending unit and wiring confirmed okay.

So, yes, I'm still on the hunt for a gauge (just the gauge, not the clock). I have the original gauge, as well as the replacement I put in shortly after buying the car from Jen, and both of them have broken wires inside (very fine wire). If I can't turn up another used one, I will have to do some more research to see if I can adapt one from another VW (Ghia, S. Beetle, Van?).


So there.

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Post by SureFit Travis »

P.S. 'Dedicated '74' gauges? They are different???

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