Exhaust pipe right or left?

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Lars S
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Exhaust pipe right or left?

Post by Lars S »

In most factory pictures of Type4 engines and cars (but not the owners manual) the exaust pipe discharge from the muffler is to the left.
In reality most cars seems to have the exhaust to the right, what is the reason for this and why should there be two types of mufflers anyhow?

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Post by raygreenwood »

Its another one of those type 4 mysteries. Never figured that one out. Ray
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Lars S
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Post by Lars S »

I found a clue on this in the official VW part book (1970) at http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/Type-4/

The exhaust tail pipe is specified as the "right" version for all engin no's from W0009127/Z0001371 and the "left" version for all engines before this. The change took place in August 1969 looking at the engine no's.

Still I do not see the reason for the change other than having both heater and engine exhaust at the same side looks less sprawly...

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Post by wildthings »

Probably some VW executive had something on the left side that he backed into when he parked.
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