judddering on pull away

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judddering on pull away

Post by plumcrazee »

hi guys just a quick question on pull away the 412 has a realy bad judder now i think its the clutch as when i put the engine back in i had to use an old friction disk due to the spline size. going to fit a new disk this week but is there any thing else it could be as i need to get parts as its the only car we have and is used daily. the clutch was bled and is fine. i have some nos shock i got is it worth puting them on as well as i know on the bugs these can be a cause of juddering

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Post by wildthings »

Clutch chatter can have many causes. Oil on the disc is a common one, as are uneven wear or other problems with the disk, flywheel, and cover. Broken or missing motor mounts will let the engine jump around and can cause chatter. Badly worn rear suspension parts will also contribute.
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Post by Wally »

Probably (very) the old clutch disk. The lack of springs in the disk doesn't help either. My car has this a little as long as I run it (daily also, 45K km's as of now).
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Post by plumcrazee »

hi guys just to let you know it was the clutch disk changed it this week and now its fine again runing as sweet as a nut with no juddering at all

cheers folks :wink:
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