Hello, Kirk,
Well, this Spring won't quite work out for me; as I mentioned above, I'm about 500 miles north of Vancouver, B.C., so add that to the 150+ miles to the Sea-Tac area. I'd love to get together for a group photo and get to know some of the other guys in the PNW (besides Bill

.....just kidding

I likely won't be able to make such a trip until the car show in August. Not only is the distance a bit of a barrier to make it a casual trip, but I run my own business, and Spring is typically when things are getting fired up.
I don't know if you would be interested in attending with one (or all?) of your cars. Perhaps Bill could bring his yellow 412 this year. Maybe we'll get a bit of a mention/photo in Hot VW's. If you can't make the trip North, then I'll try to make plans to go a little further south. Who else from the PNW can we drum up? On an interesting note, I got to meet Julie Aleva the year that she brought 'Sparkie' up for our annual Canadian car show (which I think was 2003?).
Oh, and by the way Bill, congratulations for getting your green 412 Wagon in the February 2008 Issue of Hot VW's......you know, on page 60, for the article on the Great Canadian VW Show of 2007. That's right, just there in the bottom-right corner. I saw it - you know it!
412s2: Yes, we pretty much refer to them as Baja Marathon wheels here too. I actually have two full sets of them; I had them all sand-blasted and painted the original scheme about a year-and-a-half ago. I have two full sets of centre caps as well, but just haven't really tried to fit the front ones yet. I've thought about milling down the front rotor hubs around the bearing caps for the required clearance....but haven't attempted it yet. I'm still open to other suggestions, though!
There are pics of my car in a previous thread, and you can see that it's missing front caps:
Oh well, that'll be a task for when winter is over. It's definitely not VW weather right now; we're expecting -30C/-22F by mid-week.