What you are trying to do: The differential has three critical tolerances inside (actually more...but three we can do something about)
A lot of wear and nastiness gets started when either:
(a) the outer shims...those split rings between the CV flange and the diff body...either get worn out or messed up some how. It hammers the side shafts in and out...sometimes messing up the flat shim inside that is between the side stub axle and the diff body inside. This is the flat shim dead opposite the split ring we are talking about.
(b) or....if somehow the spacer tube inside of the diff..that keeps the two side shafts from sliding too far in...gets worn or damaged.
So in short...we are trying to keep the side sstub axles from moving too far in or too far out. If they do either...it wears the gears and spyders and will eventually break them.
In your tranny...you have already found that the outer split shims and CV hubs are nice and tight. That means that the inner flat shims aree probably fine as well.....but to be sure you need to measure the gap at those outside shims...if any is there. Check the bentley manual for proper tolerance.
If the inner spacer tube gets worn....it can allow to much inner movement which is what wear the other two shims.
If all of these things check out and there is no spalling on the spyder teeth....you can reassemble the diff and we can get on with the transmission.
If the sypder teeth are worn or chipped..........this becomes a totally different conversation.
They fit nothing else....and the differntial housing is totally unique. No other ACVW has a diff that will fit in this case.
BUT....there is a high chance that we "could" use the sideshafts, spyders, spyder axles etc.....from another diff.....if we remachine the diff housing. Its something I'm working on. Ray