knocking when going round corners

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knocking when going round corners

Post by plumcrazee »

when i do a sharp turn to the right in the 412 there is a knocking/tapping noise sounds the same speed as the wheels but carnt see anything wrong the other option is cv joint as its when the car is leaning to the left and the right suspention is lower than normal?

no sound any other time :?

any ideas peeps :cry:
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Post by david58 »

Is the spring plate bottoming out on the stop?
Hot, humid air is less dense than cooler, drier air. This can allow a golf ball to fly through the air with greater ease, as there won't be as much resistance on the ball.
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Post by raygreenwood »

Front or rear? If its the can be a couple things. this an auto or standard tranny? If its auto, get underneath and check the bolts on the CV's. Next, jack up that side in the rear and turn that wheel only by hand. If it makes noise when you do that you either you have a bad outer diff bearing or a chip on a tooth on one of the spyders in the diff. This is about a 20% possibility so don't discount it.
Next...check the torque on the big bolt in the center of the brake hub. Next...check the two small bolts that hold the brake hub on, and adjust the brakes and check for warpage in the drums. The reason for tehse last few is that when cornering if the drum is loose it make noise. Also if it is loose from the center bolt and is flexed when going around the makes noise.

Check to make sure the rear shocks have tight nuts on top.

If it is from the front end, check for bad strut bushings and a bad ball joint. Also check teh steering center link for slop. Ray
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Post by tuna »

David58bug wrote:Is the spring plate bottoming out on the stop?
The 411/412 doesn't use springplates like the rest of the ACVW line-up. They used a trailing a-arm with coil spring setup.


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Post by david58 »

Well just strike my last remark then :oops: I had no idea that it didn't have torsion bars. :shock: I'll have to remember that. :wink:
Hot, humid air is less dense than cooler, drier air. This can allow a golf ball to fly through the air with greater ease, as there won't be as much resistance on the ball.
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Post by wildthings »

David58bug wrote:Well just strike my last remark then :oops: I had no idea that it didn't have torsion bars. :shock: I'll have to remember that. :wink:
They don't hardly seem like real ACVW's do they. The deletion of torsion bars probably made old Dr Porsche spin in his grave a few times. :lol:
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Post by raygreenwood »

True...but though the suspension on this car is a bit "maligned"...due to issues with things like the weak strut bushings, wimpy factory dampers and wobbly centerlink.....once you have the details sorted puts the torsion bar suspension to shame in handling and weight savings. Ray
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Post by Wally »

I think its one of the CV's. Difficulty is always to determine which one...
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Post by raygreenwood »

Yes, you could be spot on Wally. The CV shafts are also a little unique on this car. They are just a little more "stretched out" with reference to the total range a CV can be expanded, installed and driven. When they get loose and sloppy...they slide back and forth in their grooves. One of the first signs of this is when you remove an inner CV and notice that the rubber and metal cap on teh inner flange has been popped loose or is damaged. Ray
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