hy beam light

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hy beam light

Post by albert »

if some guy want betther light on her 412 ,, you can look on ,for the ,,bmw,,325,, hallogen seal beam,, hallogen is small seal bulb inside of the big seal beam,, that geeve the double of the candle ( électric expression) can be refuse on the rod in certain contry ,, they geeve appx. the same light with xzénon,, tooday,, but not blue ,very clear,, we can buy that in any car part store,, except we are in obligation to change the place of the ground on the 412 wire connection,, the A on the light is the broun on the 412 ,,, this A is only for the hy and low beam and they ask only 55 amps,, samething the 412 original,, the ,,haynes ,,book geeve the connection in ,,section for européan light,,, i have that on my 412 ,,but very expensive ,,but you have no price for the sécurity,,,albert
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Post by raygreenwood »

I use Hella H-4's on the outer high/low beams with 65/100 bulbs. I have Hella ....can't remember teh part #...I will post it when my car gets to me....but it is a totally clear lens...and I have 100 watt HB-2's in it. The refelector is the same angle as an H-4.
It turns out that this is actually...technically....an industrial tractor or truck spotlight...but it has a very long throw...better than almost anything I have found. Ray
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hy and low beam

Post by albert »

yes ,,RAY ,,this hella are very good ,, but the 412 hy and low relay can support the extra amps load ,, 100 whatts ,, or we have need extra realy for the hy beam ,some time in différent contry ,they d,t accept the big hy power light on her road,, make attention with your local law for that ,, here we have this law ,, we have a maximum,, amps for that,,albert
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Post by raygreenwood »

If you only use 100 watts in the highbeam position (inner lights), the stock system can handle that no problem...or if you only use a 65/100 for the high lows (outer pair) it can handle that as well.
When you use both like I do...you need to have two relays really. Just split them up.

The real problem is that with the stock alternator at 55 amps max, if it is winter and nightime andraining and really dark....you will have the blower, gas furnace, 400 watts of headlights, wipers and the engine running.

I split my brights off completely to the second battery. Ray
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hy beam light

Post by albert »

yes wend we use the full équipment that take more power on the battery,, yes the spare battery is a good idea,, i use the both ligh on the hy beam,, but i thing i do the instalation of the secon relay for to cut one part of the hy and low beam ,,thanks for this info.,,albert
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Post by wshawn »

On the subject of lights on my 412 the outer pair of lights drop down to sidelights on main beam when the inner pair come on...is this normal or should they stay on?
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hy beam light

Post by albert »

who,,who,, you have something roung,, on my 73 ,, wend i open the light , on low beam,,i have only the small fillament in the low beam ,wend i click for the hy beam ,, the secon filament in my hy,and low beam come on,, and the filament for the low beam is of,,, i have in the same time my outside hybeam are on,,, look your connection on the beam,,,in haynes book,, look code color ,,or look on the hy and low realay ,, if your wire are correct,,on the good position,,,plus ,,,in case look for your ground wire onder the light frame on the trunk body,, if the ground is bad ,, you can have interférence with the oder wire for to find a good ground on the body,, we name that ,,,fid back,,albert
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Post by wshawn »

Thanks Albert, I did wonder if something was wrong as it did seem a bit odd to me but then I thought lots of things are odd with these cars so... :lol:
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