Cam? Nitrous? Rockers? 44IDF's?

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Cam? Nitrous? Rockers? 44IDF's?

Post by DocLong »

I'm putting a 914 2.0L into my 412. The heads will be ported and polished, and I've got some questions.

Do you have to split the case to change the cam in a type 4 like on a type 1?

Would a 50 shot dry setup be too much for a fresh motor?

I can't find anything yet, but I'm looking for something equivalent to putting 1.25:1 or 1.4:1 rockers on a type 1 for my 2.0....anything?

44IDF' that too much carb for a 2.0L?

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Post by raygreenwood »

Don't know about the nitrous. yes, the case has to be split to change the cam...but not the lifters.
The type 4 alreday has 1:1.3 lrocker ratio stock.....but I think you are asking what cam would give a higher lift even with those.
You should look at Jake Raby's site. There have been hideous lifter to cam compatability issues over the past few years.
We are talking some that die during break in....that bad. Ther is acres of history on it.
Jake Raby is teh only only one who has really worked out lifter to cam compatability and has a huge range of Cams.
Web-cam has excellent cams as well. Check both of their sites for an application chart to see what they recommend for compatability with your proposed parts collection. Ray
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Post by Wally »

raygreenwood wrote: Jake Raby is teh only only one who has really worked out lifter to cam compatability and has a huge range of Cams.
There have been and are germany a few types of (tool steel) lifters are available that work almost on anything.
Jake is good, but surely not the only one :wink:
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Post by DocLong »

If I can't replace the cam without splitting the case (wasnt sure...first type IV I've ever thought about tearing into) then the cam will remain stock.... will the stock internals do with 40IDF's, exhaust a 50 shot of N20 and ported/polished heads?
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Post by raygreenwood »

Wally is right, there are others....but few that we have affordable access to here in the states.

Doc...don't keep the stock cam. It is only good for the fuel injection (technically) was also a relatively poor choice for power and caused a decent amount of hot running. Its a very weak link.
Its not an option to just throw in a new set of lifters either....without risking losing everything. Its worth every penny...even if keeping old piston and cylinders and just re-ringing replace can lifters and gear.
In fact in a stock refurb...its no problem to just keep everything,m replace the bearings, zero clearance the oil pump, have teh valves re surfaced, new gaskets......but never reuse the stock cam in my book. They had too many problems.
Also replacing valve seats is almost mandatory unless you know the exact history of the heads.

The stock crank rods and heads (with some refurb including new seats) will do fine. The pistons will do fine...just be sure which ones you have and their condition and new rings. The stock cam I would not use at all. Ray
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