Brake calipers

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Brake calipers

Post by shawn62 »

Where can I buy rebuilt brake calipers for the 411? I have tried AutoZone, Advance, O'Reilly & NAPA and none of them offer rebuilt calipers or rebuild kits. I have even tried getting 914 calipers with the same problem. Were the calipers mfg by ATi just like the Type 3 calipers? I don't know if I need them but was trying to get all the parts in hand before I completely go thru the brake system.

Will 70 and up model Type 3 calipers work? I was able to get calipers for my 67 T-3 Fasty without any problems.
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brake calipper

Post by albert »

hi,,shawn,, i am sure you have a local shop,, for the calipper restoration,,look there first,, but for your information ,, you can buy a new set ,,on ,,,,or busdepot,, for appx 75.$ each i have ask there last 4-5 weeks that was her price,, but your local shop can do your job for appx 60.$ and you have no transport to payed,,albert
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Post by Wally »

No, only '73 and later (but there aren't any later) are usefull as those are type 4 calipers.
914 front from certain years are the same, pelican or other porsche parts dealers should have them, maybe even
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Post by raygreenwood »

Shawn62....yours is a 411...correct? The build date is important. The calipers UP TO August of 72 were 411 only (and late type 3). The calipers after August 72 were 412. They are different. So are the rotors and steering knuckles.

You need to leave all of the American chain supply houses alone. They have nothing useful for you.
Go on line and find your nearest Beck-Arnley worldparts dealer. They should have no problem getting calipers for you. Those calipers fit numerous vehicles from Saabs and volvos to VW and even a few older BMW.

Where are you located? Ray
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Post by shawn62 »

raygreenwood wrote:Shawn62....yours is a 411...correct?
Yes, it is a 411. I go today and pick it up so I will not know the month it was built until later today.
Where are you located?
I am located in Northeast TN, close to the point where VA & NC meet TN.
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Post by raygreenwood »

I looked for Beck Arnley dealers in your area. They only list advance auto parts. Theyare not a "real" Beck Arnely dealer. They draw what foreign parts they get from Beck Arneley warehouses....but do not supply the entire ctalog. They are generally worthless.

In my area...Northern Va/DC area.....Olympus Auto parts is excellent. I can give you others that are mail order that will have what you want. Ray
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Post by shawn62 »


I would like all the info and sources I can get. My 411 was mfg Sept, 71.

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Post by raygreenwood » they are early calipers. If you find a 412 in the junkyard, that is trashed...take the steering knuckles. You can then use late 412 calipers and rotors. Easier to find and better all around. Ideally...take the control arms as well. The combination of teh control arms and knuckles on late cars had about 5* more static castor. Ray Ray
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