Posting pictures here?

Discuss with fans and owners of the most luxurious aircooled sedan/wagon that VW ever made, the VW 411/412. Official forum of Tom's Type 4 Corner.
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Posting pictures here?

Post by raykinsella »

Hey everybody,

I FINALLY entered the 21st century and bought a digital camera, and I just used it to take some pictures of my fleet of type-4s. I've uploaded the pictures to my computer - now how to get them here on this forum? If anyone can tell me, please keep in mind I am a techno/computer idiot and so will need the most basic of step-by-step instructions. But it'll be worth it, for my 411 and two 412s are really nice to look at. All three run great, and the 411 is by far the most powerful because it has a 2-litre bus engine with hydraulic lifters. Just a sweet sweet engine that purrs like a kitten. Still has the stock D-jet. The only real problem with the car is the front seats are shot, currently covered with Costco sheep seat covers. I'd live to get them fixed up properly.
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Post by perrib »

Put them on your PC with the camera wizard. Post your pictures on a web picture host like (your camera may be photobucket ready and be able to bypass the first step.) Put the mouse on the picture you want and coding drops down. Click on the IMG code under the desired pic and click it it will stated copied. Then click on your STF post anf hit control v and the image coding is transfered. When you preview or post the picture appears.
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Lars S
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Post by Lars S »

Another place to put photos in is, choose "Gallery-Add Photo".

From there the photos can be linked to this forum using the "Img"-button.

/Lars S
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Post by herr_sparky »

your pictures have to be hosted somewhere, in other words stored somewhere online for you to be able to share them on forums, blogs, etc. some big sites like Blogger or MySpace have their own image hosting feature, so you can add images directly to your post/thread/profile if youre using a site like that. does not offer image hosting within it, so you have to upload them to a host somewhere else on the internet, then use a certain code to reference them in a post here. there are many free image hosting sites out there, 2 of the the biggest and most popular being and

once your images are loaded into an "album" at one of these sites, you can link to it by using the [IMG] code that they provide for that very purpose. i use photobucket and they have tutorials, help menus, and FAQs that cover all this stuff. once you've obtained the [IMG] code for a specific image, you just copy it onto the clipboard and paste it into the body of your post. you can use the preview button to check to see if it worked before submitting it, too.
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Post by doc »

STF, unfortunately, does not host images within the site. Maybe someday. It is a matter of server resources and a few technical issues.
As suggested above, you must host your pic elsewhere and then embed the code within your post here. Once you do it once, it will be easy from then on.

For the record, I prefer members not use the samba to host their pics. the samba is a private site not dedicated to picture hosting and has the same resource issues that we have here. Hats off to Everett Barnes for making pic hosting available on thesamba. But it comes at a cost. Consequently, out of respect for the samba resources, I prefer that we not host there.

Further, as suggested above, there are internet sites completely dedicated to hosting pics. You can opt out of their "get emails/ads" function, the sites are free of any charge and the only negative is having to look at some ads while you're there.

I use imageshack and have had 100% success with them. And, as I said, once you do this once, you will be able to do it from then on. Everyone needs to learn to post pics. On STF, "a picture is worth a 1000 words".

Good luck!

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Post by perrib »

I have a friend who had Photobucket and now swears by Picasa. She bypasses storing them on her PC and down loads them there. It host jpeg and mpeg files.
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Post by raykinsella »


here at last is a picture of my type 4s
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Lars S
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Post by Lars S »

Nice view raykinsella! You should be proud for your collection, not many people have so many "priceless" objects.

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Post by herr_sparky »

those '74 bumpers are HUGE!

proper color though... 8)
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Post by raykinsella »

yeah, and they have these 5mph shock absorbers mounted to them. It was high-tech back then, and maybe required by US law as well. God knows, the 70s did some godawful things to the design of cars. I still can't decide which type-4 design I like better, the 411 or 412. The 411 has that classic Volvo roundness to it in the front, while the 412 looks like a BMW.
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Post by herr_sparky »

..., while the 412 looks like a BMW.
i've always thought that, too. something like a porked-up, chinless 2002 wagon maybe...
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Post by Lars S »

I think they both had their advantages in the design; the 411 typical '60's rounded, more clumsy shape, and the sharpened 412's '70's design when a lot of cars had the front leaning "inwards" just like the 412 had.

To me the original design for cars is often the best, facelifts are seldom successful. However there is a little more "sportyness" to see in the lines for the 412, especially the sedan, which I like.

/Lars S
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Post by doc »

Any way I look at it, it's a great collection!! 8)

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