Some Interesting Porsche Threads

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Some Interesting Porsche Threads

Post by david58 »

Some Interesting Porsche Threads

Porsche 914 Diagrams

Feel free to add to any post below.

1st Gear problems
1.7 keep the fuel injection or get carbs
1.7L runs, but high, idle 2k rpm
1.7 vs 2.0
2.3 ford into my 914
2270 or 2056 Big Bore for 914 2.0L?
914 1.7 ....getting more HP???
914 Engine
914 engine upgrade
914 or Type 4 heads
914 Pan and Beetle Body
914 Race car project
914 Throttle Valve Sizes
914 Vs Z3, 911,
94mm Domed Pistons
944 Brakes
after a long sit my 1.7 blows black smoke
Adjustable cam gear
Aftermarket proportioning valve and brake bleeding
Alternative (better cooling) Fan for 914?
Avoid for parts
Auxiliary Air Regulator
Auxiliary Air Regulator Questions...
Best 2.0 Exhaust
Best 914 Suspension Mods?
biggest 2.x with Stock FI
B&P and cranks
Broke my race engine
Bronze/Brass Bushings
"Bucking" when wet -- D-Jet, 1.7L '72
caliper upgrade
Camshaft lifters
Chassis Stiffening Kit Installation?
Clutch Cable Removal
Converting back to FI?
Crankcase Vent Valve - D-Jet Vacuum Leak
Crankshaft Mystery!
D-jet FI and >2.2L engine
d-jetronic fuel pressure regulator
D jet questions
Distributor vacuum lines - which one goes where?
Do 2.0 timing marks differ from year to year?
Does anyone have knowledge on oil coolers
drilling rotors
engine buildups..
Engine quits
Fan blades
FI HP Mods?
front airdam and rear spoiler
Fuel Injection Issue!
Fuel Injectors or Trigger points
Full auto trans?
Help locating manufacturer's name and P/N for rear calipers
Hot Starts
How many would be interested in a bolt on front brake uograd
how to tell different year rear callipers apart?
Is 2.7 a good motor for a six conversion?
is there a difference between a FI cam and carb cam?
is there another way to change front shocks other that pelic
Is there asource for D-Jet MPC Harness boots
Let's see if you can beat this!
Like to go fast ? Check this out
Looking for 914 upgrade suggestions
Lower the front end
Max SAFE Compression Ratio?
Max tire size for non flared fenders.
need help - engine 2.0L
New 76 2.0L is cutting out and wants to quit after 5 minutes
Oil pressure/cooling protection
Oil Temp from those of you on the road...
Power to weight
Racing Story
rear calipers
Rear caliper E-brake lever sticking.
rear track width
Rebuilding the Aux Air Valve - D-Jet
Side Shift - Rear Bushing enhancements - Dave Darling
slow to start
Strange Oil Leak on my 1.7...
Strange Oil Leaks
street machine feature
tail shift to side shift conv.
Tail to Side shifter conversion - firewall bracket
Thermal reactors
timing 74 2.0
Transmission Parts
throttle butterfly size - l-jet
Turbo 914?
Turbo 914 Pictures
twin plug heads
unibody considerations with high power
Vacuum and Fuel Hoses
VW Engine?
What camshaft?
Why not carbs?
why wont they blead!
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Post by david58 »

I thought I'd bring this back up guys and gals. :wink:
Hot, humid air is less dense than cooler, drier air. This can allow a golf ball to fly through the air with greater ease, as there won't be as much resistance on the ball.
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Post by Piledriver »

Bumping, trying to figure out how to make this a sticky...
Addendum to Newtons first law:
zero vehicles on jackstands, square gets a fresh 090 and 1911, cabby gets a blower.
EZ3.6 Vanagon after that.(mounted, needs everything finished) then Creamsicle.
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Post by doc »

Sticky done! David must have gone back and edited as such. Nice work!!

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Post by david58 »

doc wrote:Sticky done! David must have gone back and edited as such. Nice work!!

No editing yet it was Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007. If there are any threads that anyone wants added to the sticky I can edit it. :wink:
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Post by Piledriver »

I eventually figured out how to make it a sticky :lol:
Addendum to Newtons first law:
zero vehicles on jackstands, square gets a fresh 090 and 1911, cabby gets a blower.
EZ3.6 Vanagon after that.(mounted, needs everything finished) then Creamsicle.
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Re: Some Interesting Porsche Threads

Post by markshoptalk »

Very interested threads, how did you come across these? very useful thanks!
Mark Chapman
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Re: Some Interesting Porsche Threads

Post by david58 »

It took a lot of time the posts were here on shoptalk I just organized them and made them into clickable links
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