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Discuss with fans and owners of the most luxurious aircooled sedan/wagon that VW ever made, the VW 411/412. Official forum of Tom's Type 4 Corner.
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Post by raygreenwood »

It took you a few months! are as bad as I am if its not the daily driver :lol: Ray
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Lars S
Posts: 321
Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:25 pm

Post by Lars S »

Well...better late then never :oops: ...besides the off-season has just ended up here, the car has now passed the mandatory every 2nd year test with a blank page and a praise from the inspector...

The visible defects in the distributor were:
-Copper pigtail earth wire loose from the plate
-A lot of slop at the end of the skinny spring
-EFI breaker points not having close to zero resistance, but after cleaning they are practically at 0 Ohms!!
-Generally light corrosion an un-lublicated

I also put new breaker points in at the same time which is easy with the dizzy in your hands.

/Lars S
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