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Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:14 am
by Stray Catalyst
What did you use for the interior? That looks like a good color for my bug.


Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:55 pm
by namelesswonder
Sneaks, the bus looks amazing [[restrains from bus-bashing comments, bug-lover through and through]]. I just speed-read the thread and you've done some amazing work in a very short amount of time! You seemed super stressed today, I hope you get a break soon and your own cars behave as well as this one has.

Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:37 pm
by fusername
saw this in person, the purple came out even better than I expected. We had a northeast VW owner party in sneaks driveway after t-fest, Aj helped him put the sink back in while I helped with the windows and painting the rear table. I really like the waythe black chalkboard paint works with the teal interior, I didn't even notice that it had all been painted black till someone said something and I figured out why it looked so different. With all the paint ideas for your toys, I can't wait to see your driveway in the spring and everybody is up in color. Cause honestly, with all yoru cars the least of your worries is body work ,that will be sorted quick when the weather comes back around, and you will have one hell of a driveway. Esp when me an the pepper come up to visit. Heck between all the campers present, I'll be able to cook dinner for everyone! But before that happens, we still need to start the annual cold weather woods bash. (air-cold off-road VW has a ring to it.) The sammi is ready to go, but I may need to make an executive decision to baby the bus, but I can be impulsive so who know.s

also you gotta post up a pic of that crack in the drivers door, I really wonder if anyone has seen anything so strange before. how on earth does that even happen? have you checked your other bays for it? Maybe its the trick to keeping NE bays with minimal rust.

Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:58 am
by Sneaks
fusername wrote:saw this in person, the purple came out even better than I expected.
thanks! i wish you had seen it before it cured...
We had a northeast VW owner party in sneaks driveway after t-fest, Aj helped him put the sink back in while I helped with the windows and painting the rear table.
Good time had by all, wish it was warmer and Trapper didn't try to eat AJ. Did SRP get her home-cooked meal? What did you make?
I really like the waythe black chalkboard paint works with the teal interior, I didn't even notice that it had all been painted black till someone said something and I figured out why it looked so different.
I can't take much credit there, Deb was the one who thought up the idea, I just expanded it to the walls. I think the ceiling would be cool as well, especially if you used blacklight chalk.
With all the paint ideas for your toys, I can't wait to see your driveway in the spring and everybody is up in color. Cause honestly, with all yoru cars the least of your worries is body work ,that will be sorted quick when the weather comes back around, and you will have one hell of a driveway. Esp when me an the pepper come up to visit.
I'm really looking forward to the spring. I know, that white Westy is so solid its wrong. We need to find you a new bus. Yup.
Heck between all the campers present, I'll be able to cook dinner for everyone!
I'm holding you to this, you know that right? Anything I can do to get out of making dinner, I'm all over it.
But before that happens, we still need to start the annual cold weather woods bash. (air-cold off-road VW has a ring to it.) The sammi is ready to go, but I may need to make an executive decision to baby the bus, but I can be impulsive so who know.s
Hmmm. Just might work.

I think I'll put the stinger on just to be safe and seal the distributor.
also you gotta post up a pic of that crack in the drivers door, I really wonder if anyone has seen anything so strange before. how on earth does that even happen? have you checked your other bays for it? Maybe its the trick to keeping NE bays with minimal rust.
I'll check tonight but I think I'd notice it. I'll see if I can get a good pic of it, it's only on the one door, btw.

Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:30 am
by sparklingredpepper
Somehow whenever I'm at home I spend absolutely no time at home, so I just now saw those new pictures and all the talk of plans and, those photos came out much better than the other ones, it looks purple now.

I had a lot of fun learning about engines and valve covers the other day :D And Sneaks, you're very good at explaining things. I've had people (like, say, professors) try to explain similar things before, and it never got through to me. Thanks for being willing to teach while you worked! I'm glad that lady at Tfest had windows, too. Screens and all!

I'm thrilled with the colors. I agree with everyone that the black/chalkboard look awesome. I think I'd like to leave the ceiling wood for now, but maybe someday it'll go black too.
Sneaks wrote:
fusername wrote:Heck between all the campers present, I'll be able to cook dinner for everyone!
I'm holding you to this, you know that right? Anything I can do to get out of making dinner, I'm all over it.
Yes yes! Take fuser up on that offer, he's very good at it. I will bring the salad, so that I don't make a mess of anybody's stove.
Sneaks wrote:Good time had by all, wish it was warmer and Trapper didn't try to eat AJ. Did SRP get her home-cooked meal? What did you make?
Sadly, I don't seem to be able to stand outside in the cold for very long. I need more insulation.
I did get my home-cooked meal. It was lovely, chicken and onion and ravioli-type things and peas with a delightful blend of spices, lavash bread (or as close to lavash as store-bought gets), and yogurt. Eaten Middle-Eastern style and complete with a spicy wine on the side :) It was delicious.

Is there any chance this place in Ossipee is open this coming weekend?

Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:07 pm
by Sneaks
sparklingredpepper wrote: I had a lot of fun learning about engines and valve covers the other day :D And Sneaks, you're very good at explaining things. I've had people (like, say, professors) try to explain similar things before, and it never got through to me. Thanks for being willing to teach while you worked!
You are an excellent student:)
I'm glad that lady at Tfest had windows, too. Screens and all!
And cheap too! I was really expecting her to come back with at least $50 each. Oh, and I have your old ones tentatively sold for $15 ea.
I'm thrilled with the colors. I agree with everyone that the black/chalkboard look awesome. I think I'd like to leave the ceiling wood for now, but maybe someday it'll go black too.
I'm liking it too.

A little dark but people can see what we're talking about


I finished the green, tomorrow I'll touch up any missed spots and call it good. I also mounted the passenger seat and secured your sink.


I think white will be a better choice for the rims.


As you might have noticed, he's moved again. Took him down the street, around the parking lot at the body shop next door and then back again. He started up nicely and ran pretty decent. Fuser supplied the shiny new aircleaner:). So, to those who say a progressive will never work on a T4, so far this one is working pretty well and today it's in the low 50s for temp.


Yes yes! Take fuser up on that offer, he's very good at it. I will bring the salad, so that I don't make a mess of anybody's stove.
Salad works. With lots of onions and hots?
Sadly, I don't seem to be able to stand outside in the cold for very long. I need more insulation.
I did get my home-cooked meal. It was lovely, chicken and onion and ravioli-type things and peas with a delightful blend of spices, lavash bread (or as close to lavash as store-bought gets), and yogurt. Eaten Middle-Eastern style and complete with a spicy wine on the side :) It was delicious.
Hey, I was getting chilly too so don't feel bad. I guess I WILL let him cook. Mmmmmmm.
Is there any chance this place in Ossipee is open this coming weekend?
I'll try calling tomorrow and finding out.

Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:53 pm
by sparklingredpepper
Sneaks wrote: I finished the green, tomorrow I'll touch up any missed spots and call it good. I also mounted the passenger seat and secured your sink.
Awesome!! Could you tell me what I need to get for the sink? I thought some stuff needed to be hooked up for that, no?
Sneaks wrote:As you might have noticed, he's moved again. Took him down the street, around the parking lot at the body shop next door and then back again. He started up nicely and ran pretty decent. Fuser supplied the shiny new aircleaner:). So, to those who say a progressive will never work on a T4, so far this one is working pretty well and today it's in the low 50s for temp.
Whooo! So he's running well... glad to hear that! Thanks for the aircleaner, Fuser.

Yeah, I'm kinda thinking white for the rims, too, although I haven't seen it in person. Anyway, I trust your judgment. (Maybe we should see what Chrissy thinks first.)

Any word on the Ossipee place?

Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:17 am
by fusername
how do the teal wheels look without the hubcaps? Also I have asked like 5 times casue it keeps me up at night, and you may have already answered me 5 times, but how do the flex lines look? On my bus the were original to the thing cause of the date stamps, and not the freeest flowing thing on the block

Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:12 am
by Sneaks
fusername wrote:how do the teal wheels look without the hubcaps?
Even worse. White it will be, I'll get them shot when I change over the tires.
Also I have asked like 5 times casue it keeps me up at night, and you may have already answered me 5 times, but how do the flex lines look? On my bus the were original to the thing cause of the date stamps, and not the freeest flowing thing on the block
The brakes were the one thing the PO actually did right.

I was scared too, I almost expected them to be made out of bondo...

Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:08 am
by fusername
ok good news about teh brakes then. shame about the wheels, I thought it would have looked good. either that or teal hubcaps on black rims, but i guess it just doesn't work. how much of the paints do you have left anyways? glad you haven't run out yet. How goes the rest of the bus work? The list really seems to be whittling down. Maybe we can do a acar swap next weekend when we go off roading? Unless you think it will be done this week, but I think we are all in agreement that we'd rather it done right then fast. But damn you do work fast...
So I need to be talked out of dropping my engine again this weekend to try out my new dtrans. Turns out the 002 I just picked up actually came out of a runner that the PO tested gears 1-3 around town. It is tempting...

Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:58 pm
by sparklingredpepper
whoooo good brakes

So what's left at this point? White rims, white grill, radio, door latches, driver's side door lock, driver's side mirror, anything else to do with the engine? All seat belts are present and accounted for? I am coming home this weekend, though I can try to also make it home the following weekend if it won't be ready by this one. (Next week is when my schedule starts to get really dicey, so we'll see.)

Can't believe he's almost ready...

Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:32 pm
by fusername
well if you want a real education and are around this weekend you can witness the removal and instillation of a engine and trans. I really need to drive your car though, because the trans I am putting into mine is exactly the same as what is in yours. Really curious how it feels. to the pepper:let me know whats goign on this weekedn
sneaks: wanna call next sunday our exploratory run? The sammi is solid and I will have the trans in the bus, its just a question of if i will bring it or not (probably not)

Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:19 pm
by sparklingredpepper
I'm around this weekend. You doing engine removal on Saturday?

Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:57 am
by Sneaks
I have next Sunday penciled in.
SparklingRedPepper wrote:So what's left at this point? White rims, white grill, radio, door latches, driver's side door lock, driver's side mirror, anything else to do with the engine? All seat belts are present and accounted for? I am coming home this weekend, though I can try to also make it home the following weekend if it won't be ready by this one. (Next week is when my schedule starts to get really dicey, so we'll see.)
Tires: Tomorrow
White rims: See 'tires'
White Grill: done
Mirror: done
Slider latch and handle: done
Driver's door inside handle: done
Heater components: Tomorrow
Registration: Today
Door panels: today
Radio: tomorrow
Tie rod end: tomorrow

I put new plugs in yesterday, changed the oil, trickle charged the battery. It does have all seatbelts and I've checked to make sure the latches function.

Can't believe he's almost ready...

Re: The Journey of Jake - Lexi's Bus (Was: And one more added)

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:16 am
by sparklingredpepper
Wonderful! Did the registration and plates get done OK?